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After finally hearing your thought. Chaewon ignored it before rolling her eyes.

" Well I'm not " turning her attention back to her phone she scrolled down again.

And you didn't liked the way you were ignored so you had an idea on your mind. With the numbers of folded paper planes that's placed on your lap.

You began throwing it to her making sure you won't miss a single chance .

" I said I'm boreEed " Picking up the last paper plane you made. You throw it to her direction this time aiming for her cheeks.

" What- " Touching her right cheek after she felt it was hit.

She pick up all the paper planes you threw at her but in return she pitched it back to your direction. Only to hit the pillow when you covered your upper body.

" The heck " annoyed by what you did she gritted her teeth.

" What do you want me to do ? " She asked before waiting for you to removed the pillow and when you did she aimed the last paper plane she had.

Which hits your right cheek too.

" Do you want to start a war ? " An evil smile formed on your lips as you reached for the remaining pages of the calendar and crumbled it into circle as a paper ball.

At least now you don't feel bored anymore and that's nice, it's much better than doing nothing but to stay still in the bed and wait for Chaewon to noticed you.

Chaewon isn't liking where this is heading, she sees and knows snowball fight but in used of a crumbled paper and a paper plane that sounds a little bit messy to play around, Like 3 year old kids.

" If you throw that one, you won't see another day " She warned with her both hands already raised trying to protect herself if ever you throw that crumbled paper into her direction.

" At least you're the last person I saw before that " You smiled and aimed the crumbled paper to her direction.

Many Rounds of paper battle, it has finally come to an end when the crumbled paper and the paper planes are already scattered around the room's floor.

Chaewon even stand away from you to avoid your throws but only for her to get hit many times than you do.

Both resting after it there was nothing but laughter inside your room. With you laughing on your bed, and with Chaewon already sitting on the floor back leaned on the wall while laughing too.

It was fun. That was fun.

She was really not having it earlier when you started but when it last she found it fun. A psychiatrist and a patient fighting by the use of unharmed pages of calendar.

It's been years when you had so much fun like this. If you remember it was back then when you're still a highschool student.

Enjoying the school days together with your friends is so blissful.

But now, sad to say that you won't be able to experience that again.

" Chaewon " You called her out still laughing.

" Why ? " Standing on the floor, she started picking up the remaining papers that flew on the floor while the rest are on your bed.

Chaewon made sure everything's clean after the mess both of you did.

After doing so, she pulled the chair back beside you and sat there.

Smiling when you didn't got ignored unlike a while ago, you fix your position and faced her. " I had fun like really really fun " She looked at your direction. " Thankyou " You smiled.

Chaewon returned a smile, That's good to hear. " Are you still bored ? " though she still hasn't came up with any ideas that would lessen your boredom.

You nodded your head an idea popped in your mind. " Ask me on a date " pointing at the wheelchair the nurses put on the corner of your room, your smile grew wider.

Chaewon didn't know why is she not hesitating to agreed with it. What does that date supposed to mean ? Friendly date ? or Date like a couple and the thought of you leaving the hospital again in this kind of situation.

Is a very bad idea.

" You can't leave the hospital, not when you're in this kind of situation " She's just worried.

You already know that she'll asked that and you being a smart ass. Already know what to answer.
" Then let's do it at the hospital rooftop " There's no way you should be feeling this unexplainable feeling too.

Chaewon nodded her head. That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. " Why did you ask ? " She's curious why all of the sudden.

Flashing a small smile you looked away and think for it for a second. You're asking the same to yourself.

" Who knows it'll be my last. " You looked at her.

Contemplating to tell the secret you're keeping all this time. You don't know when will be the right time to say, but now you felt like you should.

And that you should tell it to the person who gives you reason to live as you can.

Chaewon felt something's wrong. It's odd but why does it feel like you're about to say something.

Letting out a sighed. You looked away again and hung your head low, ready to say that secret you keep together with her parents, who find it out first.

" I have a CAD Chaewon. I have a Coronary artery disease "

You looked at her direction only to see her expression unreadable.

" And I don't know how long I could live " and you really don't.


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