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Another day, and another day of you being unable to walk properly.

Strolling around the hospital during rest hour at night while Chaewon slowly pushes the wheelchair, she felt odd with the feeling and the situation.

She's not used to it because whenever both of you are together you would usually walk beside her, or just take the lead then she follow you at the back, or she take the lead and you follow her at the back, and now it's just different.

" Where do you want to go first ? " She questioned before heaving out a sigh.

You thought you'll never be able to leave your room anymore, that you would never be able to go outside after what happened to you and you're glad Chaewon's there to take you out, even if at this hour is supposed to be her rest time.

You're sure that the fellow's tired because whenever after she checked a different patient, whenever she had a chance she would come to your room and visit you no matter how tired she is.

You felt bad, but you liked it at the same time.

" Anywhere with you " you knew this time that there will be a day that you'll come to this condition.

Funny how you would always ditch the nurses, escape the room and hide just to not get caught and spend time alone, but now looks like gods have enough of your mischievousness.

As Chaewon Continued to push the wheel chair she stopped once both of you arrived at the place.

" Here then " the place where you accidentally threw a water bottled to her for two times. " How does it feel to have a free ride ? " She joked around trying to remove the quiet atmosphere.

" Not fun. It's boring " You responded.

You would prefer it more if you walks on your own and enjoy the night roaming around the hospital's garden but you just can't. " Though it's fine. If you'll be the one who's going to push this freaking wheelchair " You added.

Suddenly becoming soft to the psychiatrist which she didn't expected that it will affect her that much, now that her heart is back at beating faster again.

Chaewon laughed. " Are you usually that sweet when it comes to me ? " gazing up to the dark sky she smiled when she saw the stars lighting up the night.

It's a peaceful night and both of you like how quiet it is.

Instead of doing the same on what Chaewon's doing right now.

You stared at the bright star beside you who's sitting on the grass, head gazing up with a smile formed on her lips.

This unexplainable doesn't seem right and it doesn't seem wrong at the same time.

It just happened that you find yourself being odd around Chaewon when you would always tease and pissed her off but now it's different.

You changed.


She changed you and it's a good thing.

" It's dark " You spoke instead of answering her question. Chaewon hummed still eyes focused on the night sky. " But all I see is you " you mumbled and she wasn't able to hear that.

It's dark but this person beside you shines the brightest.

Minutes of silence, Chaewon decided to broke it.

" Verna " Clearing her throat as Chaewon turns her attention to you she smiled as she catches you looking at her before looking away.

You hummed, motioning her to continue.

" Get better soon, okay ? "

You don't know why Chaewon is suddenly being soft and sweet to you for the past months she started taking care of you as an exchange to her parents job and it really caught you off guard.

Simply nodding your head you gaze at the sky. How you wish its that easy but no It's not.

" I'll try " You answered before sighing.

Now you're starting to regret the decision of not taking your medicines on the past which led you to your current condition.

Bringing her eyes back to the sky, Chaewon scoffed. " Don't try. You need to do it " and she'll make sure that you will. She have lots of things that she wanted to say, well she could have just said it now.

But she can't, now is not the right time to.

" I don't want you to be gone " she really don't. " I'll be sad " and she will.

" You literally changed everything about me when you were told to watch over me " You chuckled before glancing at her.

Ofcourse you don't want her to be sad.

" I'll get better then " You spoke. " and I'll have you to take care of me "

Somehow Chaewon was glad when she heard your response. " How about I'll take you out on a date outside this hospital ? " the deal sounds good to you.

" So make sure you get better okay ? "

Motivation and Reason. Chaewon is giving you a motivation and reason for you to continue your life and get better.

Though you don't think you could, but whatever you'll do anything to hold on, on what she said and feel motivated for you to continue living and recovering.

" Also I'll tell you something in return if ever "

And that made you feel excited and curious on what is it.

What is she going to tell you if you did recover, and if not. Will she be able to tell it ?


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