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With the meal she made at their home early this morning after leaving you sleeping alone in your room for a half hour.

She sighed deeply.

She don't even know if you'll like it. She's really not good at cooking, if it weren't for the maids who insisted to help her cook. Their house could be burned right now.

Knocking on the door before entering she made sure that she won't make any sounds to wake you up if you're still sleeping. " Verna..? " She called.

Placing the meal on the table she walked her way to the bed. Grabbing a chair she put it beside and sat on it.

" Wake up. It's time to eat what I cook "

Gently nudging you she softly tapped your cheeks. " It's time to wake up, Verna. "

She waited for you to wake up, but minutes passed and she got no response from you and not even a flinch. She scott the chair closer to you. " I know you know I'm not good at cooking but don't pretend that you're still sleeping just because you don't want to taste the food I made with the help of some maids "

Chaewon was just trying to play around because she's really not liking what she's feeling already.

" Verna.. " Poking your nose, and pinching your cheeks, she did every way she could that would wake someone up, but for you.

It all didn't changed a anything. You didn't even move a little.

" I'm having a bad feeling Verna. Wake up now " A nervous chuckle escape on her lips as she didn't gave up on trying to wake you up.

But you still didn't move an inch and Chaewon was already panicking about it.

She's probably just overthinking about it so she tried to remained positive even if at this situation she can't. " You said you'll wake up. What happened to your "okay" ? "

The sound of door opening caught Chaewon's attention. It was a nurse and her secretary probably ready to check you this morning.

" She won't wake up " Chaewon spoke before glancing back to you who's still the same like how she saw you after entering your room.

Within seconds.

Garam, Her Secretary leave the room and called out for assistance which was quick to response and to arrive. It all happened so sudden that the next thing Chaewon know is, she was all alone in the room.

Trying to process everything that just happened.

" You were really right when you said you can't promise not to make me sad "


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