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A land of trifles. With the shroud of darkness over it. Many species fight to survive, but none are strong enough to shake the endless trials and tribulations of life. The race of good men grows less each passing day, as more evil men take their place. Animalia being hunted, innocents slaughtered. It is a dark time indeed.

However, there is hope. The protectors of the world, the dragons, are having their once a decade birth event, where new hatchlings are born, and with them one to help set balance across the world. That day, the dragon is born, and the waning forces of good finally have a chance to beat back the encroaching darkness that has taken so much from them over time. This is the beginning of a change. A chance for good to win out against all odds.

And this year, in the middle of the night, a mother dragon will witness her egg be born into a baby dragon. The black egg is now one month old, and the dragons must wait until midnight before the eggs can hatch.

"The time is upon us." says the father, a big red dragon. "Our child is to join the others in setting things right."

"I hope the best for our hatchling." responds the mother, an ombre colored dragon. "Too many have died in the twelve years of war. I don't wish to see our own be next."

"Not to worry. We will raise them right."

This promise however would be short lived when some other dragons enter the hallowed keep. "Dark forces of the encroachers. We have to protect the eggs." announces one of the guardians.

"We have no time!" replies another.

"What are you doing here?" asks the father dragon.

"To protect the eggs. They're important." answers the guardian.

"You know nothing about the eggs or the hatchlings," says the father dragon.

"One thing I do know is we're under attack." says the guardian dragon, as the keep begins to shake.

"It's already too late. Jelana, take our child and escape. We're outnumbered." says the father dragon as some evil goblins clad in dark suits of armor walk in.

"You should've known this day would come. Why would we let your kind continue existence if it were to stop us?" says the lead goblin, who brandishes an ax.

"Go now!" says the large red dragon as Jelana takes the black egg and flies away.

"Foolish mistake. Now you will die." the goblin captain says attacking the red dragon with his ax.

Jelana races through the air, heading for the exit. She sees the great mountain pass ahead, and thinks she'll make it before the horde reaches her. But just then, two more groups of orcs and goblins appear, coming from different directions.

"I'm sorry my child..." Jelana says laying down the egg, burying it under some leaves as the group of monsters attack. She fights the group with tooth and nail, managing to kill at least half of the attacking force before an arrow pierces her chest.

The mighty pink dragon falls to the ground, dying from the arrow. However, she succeeded in hiding the egg from danger, and in her dying moments, manages to obliterate the attackers in one last spout of magic.

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now