Chapter 24

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After breakfast, the party makes its way toward the stables. Once they arrive, there are rangers loading supplies on horseback. Then, once everything is loaded, the group of rangers turn to the Jarl and the heroes.

"Ah, the heroes of Peatstown." says one of the rangers. "What can we do for you?"

"We'd like to request your help in travelling to the dark lands. Our friend has been taken their by pirates, and the way is unknown to us." Paku explains.

This sends a chill down the rangers' spines. They knew of the dark lands, and they also knew of how many of their own comrades had died trying to seize land from it.

One of the rangers speaks up. "You're going after pirates? That sounds dangerous. We don't want to get involved with something so risky. There's too much danger of being killed by those scoundrels."

"They helped us, doesn't that mean anything to you?" the jarl questions the ranger.

"Aye, of course it meant something! But what you're asking for is a suicide mission!"

"Not if you join us," Ziva points out. She then turns to her friends. "You saw what Paku and I are capable of. Trust us, we will keep you safe."

The rangers look at the red dragoness, wondering what to think. That's when Ellis walks up. "We're rangers, remember? What kind of ranger would tuck tail and run when given an opportunity to do the right thing? Not a true ranger."

He joins the side of Paku, Ziva, and Patch. Seeing this, some of the other rangers join the group, Ellis' words motivating them to join Paku and his friends on this dangerous quest.

Once the decision is made, the rangers begin packing provisions onto horses. These include weapons such as swords, bows, and arrows. They pack food including dried fruits, nuts, and jerky.

"Thank you Ellis." Paku says to the ranger captain.

"Don't thank me. You saved my home, its the least I could do." Ellis responds. "So long as we're here, let's make sure these boys stay alive."

With that, the rangers mount up and head off to find the path through the dark lands.

As they ride away, Paku looks over at Ziva. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. I'm kind of excited to meet Naria." Ziva smiles.

"She's like me. But cooler." Paku jokes. He laughs along with the others, but he feels nervous about facing the evil men of the Molt. His heart pounds hard inside his chest.

Nervous as he might feel, the adventure continues without incident until late afternoon when the party reaches a small ghost town named Felskeilo.

"We'll stop here for the evening. No one stray too far from the camp, this place is said to be haunted." Ellis tells the group as the rangers begin to set up camp.

"Wait, did he say haunted?" Patch shivers. "Like, ghosts?"

"Calm down Patch, he's probably just messing with you." Ziva smirks.

Patch shakes his head. "No, no. Ghosts. Real ones."

Ellis nods. "Indeed. This used to be a mining settlement years ago, and now all that remains are ruins. People once lived their lives here, but being so close to the dark lands, it was for naught."

"Chilling." Paku says, finding himself huddling up to Ziva a bit.

"Paku..." Ziva whispers to the dragon she found herself falling for.

"Yes?" he responds.

"If there are any ghosts, will you protect me?"

"Of course." Paku tells Ziva as the two snuggle up to each other. The pair rests together under a nearby tree, holding hands tightly while listening to the wind blow softly around them.

Later, the party sits outside enjoying dinner before retiring for the night. As they eat their meal, the conversation begins again between Ziva and Paku.

"You think we'll survive this? The whole dark lands of the Molt?" Ziva asks him.

"We've been through hunters in the forest, poachers, goblin and orc attacks, and a full scale battle. I think we will be alright." Paku responds, looking deeply into Ziva's green eyes.

"But still... I can't shake the thought of extinction..." Ziva confesses. Her voice trails off as she stares at the fire crackle next to her.

"...We won't go extinct." Paku reassures her. "That's not happening."

Ziva nods. "I trust you Paku."

"I trust you too Ziva."

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now