Chapter 12

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Paku wakes up, feeling warm and comfortable. His eyes open slowly, and he looks around. There's a light coming from the fireplace, but it's not bright enough to hurt his eyes.

"Must be early in the morning." he says, deciding to walk around. It was still dark outside, and Paku noticed that Ziva and Patch were still asleep. He would sit by the fire and think on the events of his life that had transpired. How much has changed since he first met Naria? Since he left his home?

"Naria..." he whispers. "How could I have been so stupid? I shouldn't have left you. What kind of hero abandons his friends?"

"What's wrong?" Ziva asks, sitting up and looking over at Paku.

Paku didn't expect the red dragoness to awaken. "It's nothing."

Ziva gets out of the bed, sitting next to Paku by the fireplace. "I don't believe that. Something is bothering you, I can tell."

Paku sighs. "I just feel guilty is all. I couldn't save Naria."

"Don't blame yourself, you did everything you could. And besides, you made it here. Naria would have wanted that." Ziva says.

"Yeah, you are right." Paku nods. "Though I guess that's because you saved me."

Ziva smiles. "I did."

"Ziva, did you ever know your parents?" Patch asks. He couldn't stop wondering about who they were ever since he had met the other adult dragons the previous day.

"I'm afraid not... like you, Paku, my parents are gone. After having me, they were called to fight the forces of the Molt." Ziva says sadly. "But I never knew them. I grew up in the stronghold, learning how to use magic, and living alongside the elder dragons."

"That sounds tough." Paku responds.

"It was. But, it made me stronger. I wouldn't have been able to free you and Patch had it not been for my upbringing." Ziva replies. "You should be proud of yourself, Paku. You survived a magical creature attack, and you managed to find us. That's an achievement worthy of respect."

Paku smiles. "Thank you Ziva."

Paku and Ziva share a close moment by the fireplace, when the yawning of Patch can be heard, the puma awakening from his slumber. "What are you two yapping about?" Patch yawns.

"Oh, we were just talking." Ziva answers.

"About what?" Patch asks.

"Nothing important," Paku says.

Patch walks over to the fireplace and sits beside Ziva and Paku. "Hmm, I guess the two dragons want to keep their secrets." Patch says, as he begins to walk towards the exit. "As for me, I'm going to get something to eat. Maybe catch a squirrel or something, been craving for one."

"Wait!" Paku yells, grabbing Patch's arm. "If you're hungry, why don't we all go out together?"

"Huh? Sure! Let's go, I'll see if there are any berries or nuts out back."

"Berries or nuts? We're dragons, not rabbits." Ziva laughs.

"Oh alright, I guess I will give you a chance to hunt like a puma." Patch says proudly.

"Don't worry about that, I've always been better at hunting than him." Paku laughs.

"We will see about that Paku. Come along now." Patch says. "I need to hunt before the sun comes up."

"Sounds good to me." Ziva agrees. She stands up, and Paku follows her. The three walk out of the room, carefully sneaking by the sleeper elder dragons of the den, and going towards the entrance.

When they get outside, they notice the redwood forest is dark, do to the sun not having risen yet. "This is the best time to get squirrels. They think that all the predators are asleep, and foolishly go nuts." Patch says as he begins to climb up one of the trees. "I bet I can even catch a bird."

"Hold on, I'll help." Ziva says. She grabs a branch with her claws and climbs up the tree after Patch. "Come on, you can do this."

While Patch and Ziva climb the tree, Paku decides to take flight, circling around the area. He looks trying to make out moving shapes in the darkness, when he sees a pair of squirrels racing along the ground. "I got this." He flies down and lands behind the squirrels, catching them off guard. He slams his paws onto the ground, sending the squirrels flying into the air. "There you go."

Patch and Ziva look over at the squirrels and laugh. Paku catches them with his mouth before they hit the ground, eating them whole and feeling a lot fuller. "That hits the spot."

"Look, I got one!" Patch says, grabbing a squirrel out of the hole in the tree. "I told you I was good at this!"

"I didn't say you weren't." Paku says. "Besides, you still haven't eaten yours."

Patch was too busy bragging to notice the squirrel slip from his fingers, causing Ziva to grab the squirrel and eat it before it runs off.

"That was mine!" Patch whines.

"Mine now." Ziva grins, licking her chops after enjoying the meal.

Patch gets mad, and begins to chase the squirrels. "You'll be mine!" He screams, running after the squirrels.

"They're fast little creatures." Ziva says. "Maybe you should try using your feline reflexes to catch them."

"No way! I'm a puma, not a dragon. Besides, I like being able to run freely without worrying about getting tired."

Ziva rolls her eyes as Patch chases after the squirrels, Paku landing next to Ziva. "To think that's your brother." she smiles.

"Foster brother." Paku corrects. "Though I love him as if he were my own flesh and blood."

"You have a big heart Paku." Ziva says. "It is nice to see that in a world that lacks love."

"Thanks." Paku says. He was beginning to grow fond of Ziva.

The two dragons begin to talk, but suddenly they hear Patch scream out, "Ahh!"

"Patch? What's wrong?" Paku calls out, as he and Ziva rush over, and to their horror they see Patch is being held under a knife by a nasty looking goblin.

"Let him go you slimeball!" Ziva yells.

However, the goblin laughs, as a group of more hop down from the trees, circling around Paku and Ziva. "Now, what do we have here? A pair of pretty little dragons?" The goblin asks, his voice echoing through the forest. "Or maybe a pair of lovers."

Paku and Ziva blush a bit, but they quickly shake the feeling. "Just let our friend go, and we won't toast you!"

The group of goblins left, as the knife wielding leader gives them an intimidating glare. "You really think a squad of goblins can be beaten by two young dragons, barely old enough to fly? Your kind really is delusional."

"You don't want to mess with us, you know that." Paku says. "We will cut you apart, and roast you for dinner."

"I think not." The goblin says. "Now, surrender, or your puma friend here gets it!"

Patch struggles against the goblin. "Don't listen to him!"

"Shut up!" the goblin says striking Patch which enrages Paku. "If you keep talking, you're dead!"

Paku charges at the goblin, flying up in the air and knocking him down with a paw to the face. Patch escapes from the goblin's grip, as Ziva joins the two, the group of goblins closing in.

"So be it." the lead goblin says, standing up. "Kill them all."

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now