Chapter 40

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A week later, the group leaves the safety of the tundra and heads toward the city of Peatsville. They fly through the night skies, passing over villages and farms. Once the sun rises they land near a rubbled ruins that once belonged to a grand city.

"We will arrive in Peatsville tomorrow. Rangers have reported seeing a massive army of orcs, goblins, and evil men of the Molt marching east from the lands of evil. Cithior seems to be leading them." the old ranger explains as the travelling party begins to set up camp inside the ruined city.

Once settled down, the group takes turns going out to hunt for food. After several days of travel, the group finally arrives at the outskirts of Peatsville. The once farming village now had fortifications built around it, with spiked walls of wood and battle towers surrounding the city.

"Paku has returned!" a villager cheers as the group approaches the gate. "You've brought some friends too! Ten dragons it looks like, and some men and wolves of the far north."

"Thank you," Paku replies, feeling uncomfortable being called 'friend.' "How many soldiers does the town have?"

"About 500 warriors, and a few hundred archers. Come inside, Jarl Winddred needs to talk with you."

Paku nods. "Alright, we will speak to him."

Windder greets the group warmly, looking relieved. "It is good to see you alive again Paku. Thank goodness for the rangers and their warning. Who have you brought with you from your travels?"

"This is Bithor, the guardian dragon of the Tundra. He has helped us learn our powers more, and is very wise." Paku tells Jarl Winddred, the man looking up at the blue dragon.

"So this is what a full grown one looks like? I'm impressed."

Jarl Winddred leads the group into the fortified city, which feels different than before. It felt safe, but now it seemed more intimidating. There are hundreds of guards standing watch throughout the streets and buildings.

"Some thing have changed huh?" Patch remarks.

"It would seem so Patch. With the threat of Cithior and his army approaching, we have to be more prepared. Thankfully you returned. It has brought hope back to Peatsville."

Paku and Ziva look around to Bithor, who had been quiet for the most part. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"Well get yourself together. You're making me feel nervous."

After walking past dozens of soldiers and watching them salute, the group reaches the longhouse.

"We have had ranger patrols battling the armies at certain points. But we were too small in number to defeat them, merely slow them down." the jarl explains pointing to a map.

"We need a battle plan." Bithor says. "How large is this attacking army?"

"At least 5,000 men. More likely closer to 10,000." the jarl answers. "We have reason to believe they're coming full force with siege equipment, war beasts, and of course Cithior himself."

"I have an idea." Ziva suggests. "They will be no doubt coming for the town first. We dragons can attack from the air, while the sibo men and wolves can flank the rear of the army while the rangers fight on the front."

"...That sounds doable. What about the other side?"

"Our scouts report that there are at least 2,500 enemy pirates sailing here." the peatsville commander states. "No doubt trying to bombard our city from the rivers."

"Leave them to me." Paku growls, remembering how the pirates had been responsible for Naria's demise. "Ziva and I will take care of the pirate fleet along."

"I will lead the other dragons in the skies as we fight the bulk of the army." Bithor tells Jarl Winddred. "We will do what we can."

"Very well then. Our only choice is to defend ourselves against these hordes of enemies. Let us pray the gods protect us."

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now