Chapter 14

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Ziva's thoughts turn to the idea of hopelessness. The training, the fighting, the years spent trying to grasp ahold of life, all of it to be just sent to the revelation, that she and Paku were to live their days in this temple, in secrecy, while many innocent died and the world would be taken by the evil dragons had fought so hard to defeat.

"Wait, that's awful bleak and edgy isn't it? Surely there's another way, right?" Patch asks.

"I'm sorry, Patch. There really isn't." Ziva says.

Patch looks at her with sad eyes. "But why? You're such a good fighter. And you're pretty smart."

"Because we said so. End of discussion." the dragon elders speak.

"But what about Naria? We're just going to let her die? What of the good races of the world? We will just idle by in hiding as they are slain by the enemy?" Paku asks, getting angry about the complacency of the elders.

"Paku, enough!" the green dragon warns.

"No, not enough! You will listen to me! We are meant to protect the realm, and be the light in the dark! Not hide here until we wither away into dust."

"Enough!" the white dragon bellows, striking the ground with its paw.

"Look, I'm not saying we should abandon the others or give up on the mission. But we can't just blindly charge into danger without thinking of our own safety."

"It is better to take a small risk and stop the spread of darkness." Ziva explains. "Then it is to wait and hope the opportunity comes."

"She's right." Paku says. "If we don't try, then we'll never know if we could have stopped it."

The elder dragons sigh. They know they can't keep Paku and Ziva in here forever, despite their best efforts. The two young dragons were too good natured to let evil win without a fight.

"Alright. Okay." the green dragon says. "We won't stop you."

"Thank you, thank you!" Paku says, jumping into the air and giving a victory pose.

"But no matter what happens, you must promise us one thing," the white dragon says.

"What is that?"

"If it becomes to tough, return here. We might be old and not as strong as we once were, but we can still help." the green dragon explains. "Paku, Ziva, Patch. You three look after each other. Never leave each other's side."

"Yes, sir." Paku says.

"You heard him. No leaving each other's sides." Ziva adds.

"You both can be a little bossy sometimes," Patch says.

With that, the three heroes bid farewell to the woodland dragon stronghold, before taking flight from the redwoods. They had a goal in mind, find any other surviving dragons, and restore hope to the forces of good. Together, they could accomplish anything.

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now