Chapter 42

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Cithior flies in circles high above the battlefield, laughing maniacally. With a flick of his wrist, lightning bolts shoot out from the heavens, striking down anyone who dares to approach. "Puny weaklings, you think you can resist me?"

Bithor looks to Paku and Ziva, and the other dragons. "Dragons of the tundra, protect the town. Paku, Ziva, with me. We are going to end this once and for all."

With that, Bithor, Paku, and Ziva fly up in the rainy skies to face Cithior.

As they near the top of the cloud layer, suddenly, thunder booms again around them, shaking the very sky itself. Then, right before their eyes, a large bolt of lightning strikes at the trio, forcing them to dive to the side to avoid it.

"We meet again Bithor. The weak old fool." Cithior taunts as he hovers above the hero dragons. "You should've stayed in the north. But now, I can kill you myself."

"You're a monster! You've killed thousands just to satisfy a sick power complex!" Paku yells at Cithior.

"They were weak and foolish like you. Only the strong are fit to live in a world, MY world!" the scarred head yells of Cithior growls as it shoots a blast of fire towards Paku, Bithor, and Ziva.

"I'll show you how much of an idiot you really are!" Paku screams as he fires back, sending another powerful blow of flame toward Cithior. "You have destroyed everything we love!"

Cithior laughs as he pushes Paku's fire breath aside, and looks at the three. "I'll destroy more than just that."

"Cithior, you don't have to do this. I know you aren't completely lost." Bithor says. "I knew who you were."

"You know nothing old fool!" Cithior's white head yells, as it blasts a bolt of electricity at Bithor, sending the large blue dragon back down to the ground. He lands hard, landing on his tail, and then rolling onto his feet. His scales begin to crack as the force of impact shakes him violently.

"Are you done?" Cithior asks as he gloats.

"You're going to pay for that!" Paku growls as he and Ziva hover close to one another, the two combining their fire and lightning breaths and sending them at both heads of Cithior.

Suddenly, a beam of light hits the pair, knocking them backwards into the air, where they crash against a nearby building. Both dragons lie motionless, as smoke rises from their wounds.

"Pathetic." Cithior mutters quietly as he stares at the fallen heroes. "You really are pathetic."

Paku and Ziva stand up, refusing to give up. Bithor flies from behind, as he begins to ram his horns into Cithor, pinning the two headed dragon against the wall as they fight. Cithior shakes free from Bithor and swipes the blue dragon's face, leaving a nasty claw mark across Bithor's head.

"This will teach you never to underestimate my powers," Cithior snarls.

Then, without warning, the white head of Cithior releases a burst of flames upon Bithor, which knocks him unconscious. Ziva and Paku spring back into action, as they both blast a ball of fire and lightning at Cithior, knocking the two headed dragon back a bit away from the unconscious Bithor.

"Now, let us finish what we started long ago. My time has come to rule over your pitiful world." Cithior laughs evilly as he tries to get past the hero dragons. They do not falter though, as Paku and Ziva turn to one another, willing to do whatever it took to stop Cithior.

Ziva grabs Paku's paw, and they grasp each other tight as they begin to draw all their power they could for an ultimate combined attack. The two seem to enter a trance, their hearts beating as one, their souls combining together in perfect harmony.

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now