Chapter 11

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Paku and Patch walk through the dark halls of the stronghold, following Ziva. "So, what did that man want with you two?" Ziva asks.

"He said he was going to sell us to a market for the highest bid. Had some debt or something." Patch says.

"Market? He must've really been desperate for money if he was sending you to a magical creature auction." Ziva says.

"Yeah, though he did feed us a bit of food and when it came down to it, let us go." Paku ponders.

"Well, if he didn't Ziva here would probably have toasted him." Patch laughs.

Ziva chuckles. "I'm glad it didn't come to that."

They reach the end of the hall and stop at a large door, where Ziva opens it and lets them inside. The room is cozy, with dragon beds and little fire in the fireplace. It was a lot more well kept and comfy then the previous stronghold.

"Well, this is where we sleep." Ziva explains. "Considering we are the youngest of the stronghold."

"Why's that?" Patch asks.

"The others have lived here longer, and they had to deal with the attacks of the Molt. They have experience and wisdom from those times, and thus they are more respected than us."

"Fair point." Paku says, crawling under some covers.

Patch yawns, as he sleeps in a different bed. Ziva blows out the candles lighting the room, before she too crawls into a bed, and before long, the three tired friends begin to doze off.

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now