Chapter 23

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"I'm so happy you're alright." Ziva says as Paku lies on the bed, bandaged up and recovering from the wounds of battle.

"Thanks to you." Paku says, as he turns his head towards Ziva. "I owe you one."

"No, I don't mind." Ziva says, smiling. "You have saved me, after all."

"I know you can take care of yourself, but I couldn't stand the thought of losing you."

Ziva blushes. "Paku..."

"Ahem, come on guys. I'm still here!" Patch says rolling his eyes.

"We love your company too." Paku jokes.

The three friends continue to talk to each other throughout the evening, their bonds being stronger than ever after surviving so many battles together. Together, they were a dynamic force, and one that some would say were unstoppable.

However, despite their friendship, Paku and Ziva both knew they had feelings for each other. Both wanted to express these feelings, but neither felt comfortable enough to do so.

They continued to stay by each other's sides, hoping to feel more comfortable with expressing themselves. They knew they loved each other, but they didn't know how to say it aloud.

Ellis comes in to check on the three, and bring them dinner. "Well, town is doing well now. The people want to celebrate the victory whenever your feeling good again Paku."

"Sounds great." Paku says, as he takes a bite of food. "How'd you know to bring our favorite?"

"Barkeep Jon remembered. He said this was a gift to you three for saving the town." Ellis explains as he throws some logs in the fireplace to keep the dragons and puma warm.

"Tell him thank you so much." Ziva says eating the prime rib.

"Oh, I will. I also brought you some root beer." Ellis hands Paku a mug filled with the sweet liquid.

"Cheers!" Paku cheers, raising his mug.

"Cheers." Ziva cheers, raising hers.

"Cheers." Patch cheers, drinking from the cup.

"You three take care tonight. Ask me or the jarl if you need anything. We can't thank you enough." With that, Ellis exits, shutting the door behind him as he did so.

The two enjoy the sweet root beer and the prime rib, the feast victory. As they do, Paku can't help but to think of Naria, and hoped that this is what she meant when she had told him that he was meant to help the world.

He hopes that he has made a difference, even though he isn't quite sure yet. But he knows that he wants to continue helping others.

As the night passes, the three friends fall asleep, snuggled up against each other. Their friendship strong, and their bond growing stronger.

In the morning, Ziva wakes up first, and checks on Paku. She sees that he is awake and resting comfortably.

"Hey there." Ziva says, walking over to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." Paku responds. "I feel a lot better now." the young dragon tells Ziva as he stretches his legs, the pain from the arrow wound nearly gone now.

"That's good." Ziva smiles. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

Patch yawns as he awakes, stretching his body out. "Oh boy, I'm sore from all that fighting yesterday."

"I think we all are a little bit." Paku explains. "But we're all alive, and that's what matters most."

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now