Chapter 41

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"Here goes nothing..." Paku mutters under his breath as he flies to the battlements of Peatsville, Ziva and Patch accompanying him. The three look around the surrounding plains, seeing a fleet of ships sailing the rivers distantly, and the large army of the Molt approaching from the horizon. They land near the top of the wall where the guards look surprised.

"They didn't say there would be this many!" one soldier shouts, drawing attention from the others.

"We are here, do not worry." Paku responds calmly. "We will protect this kingdom or die trying."

Dark clouds begin to shape overhead as thunder begins to boom. Paku looks to Patch, giving his foster brother a hug. "If anything happens, never forget me."

Patch nods. "I won't."

Patch then joins the wolves of the north down below, as Paku turns to Ziva. She glances at Paku, and hugs him tightly. "Be careful."

He holds her tight. "You too."

She pulls away, as Paku and her prepare to take flight against the pirates. Bithor looks to Paku and Ziva. "Good luck heroes. May we survive this battle and keep the kingdom alive and well."

With that, the mighty ice dragon takes flight, followed by the other 8 dragons of the tundra. Horns blow as the sibo men, wolves, and the rangers of Peatsville let out a battle cry, charging into field around the city towards the massive orc, goblin, and evil men army of the molt. The largest battle of the world had just begun.

Lightning cracks over the skies of Peatsville, as the orcs began their assault. A huge wave of creatures flooded the walls and gates, sending waves crashing onto defenders inside. As the attackers rushed forward, the arrows came flying back, striking home every few seconds. Soldiers fell dead everywhere, unable to withstand the onslaught. At the center of it all stood the brave warriors of the sibo men. Their long spears glistened with sweat as they defended themselves from the horde, fighting tooth and nail to hold off the enemy.

Bithor leads the dragons over the skies, as they rain down huge blasts of fire, ice, wind, earth, and lightning on the horde of goblins below. Giant boulders come falling down, smashing skulls and bodies alike. Dragons dive deep into the battlefield, blasting away the enemy ranks, leaving behind piles of corpses.

"Take cover!" Paku yells to Ziva who has joined the fray beside him atop one of the ships of the pirate fleet below. Ziva flies out of the way as a harpoon misses her, as she slams a bolt of lightning into the ship's steering, causing it to crash into another pirate ship and cause both to sink. The two dragons fly off the ship and prepare to dive bomb another one, a mass of arrows shot their way. Both dodge the incoming shafts and continue bombing the ships.

Another blast of fire sends more of the enemy crewmen overboard, while another blast of electricity knocks the remaining ones unconscious. Another giant boulder crashes down onto some soldiers, crushing several beneath its weight before hitting the ground. Things are going well for the defending forces, as the first wave of enemies are beaten back.

"Hold fast!" Bithor yells to the other dragons as they land in front of the gates, joining the sibo men and wolves in the melee against the horde of goblin and orc attackers. "This isn't over yet! We must stop these monsters from breaking through our defenses!"

As if responding to Bithor's call, the second wave of enemies appears above them. These were larger than those attacking earlier, looking like giants compared to the humans. Huge clubs and swords swing wildly at the defenders, sending countless warriors reeling backwards. In response, the sibo men slash and stab with their knives and short blades, chopping up the invaders left and right. The wolves leap and bite, as Patch fights amongst them, leaping on one of the giant's back, managing to defeat the imposing enemy.

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now