Chapter 9

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"Ugh, I feel like hell." Paku groans, as he opens his eyes. He sees that he's tied to a tree, with Patch next to him. The puma is also awake, though still a little drowsy from the tranquilizer.

"Me too... my head hurts." Patch says trying to rub his eyes but realizing he was tied to the tree as well. "Paku, we got to find a way out of this."

"I'm thinking I'm thinking." Paku says, looking around to see if there was anything that he could use to escape with.

"What about that rope we were hanging from? Could we cut ourselves free with that?" Patch suggests.

"Yes, yes I think we could." Paku replies, using his claws to try and cut the ropes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." says the strange man, who throws some meat their way. "I'd hate to tranquilize you again."

"What do you want?" Paku growls, staring down the man.

"My name is Gideon. And I don't mean to disturb you, but I'm sure you're hungry after falling asleep in the woods." Gideon says as he nudges them the meat.

"Why are you doing this to us?" Patch questions.

"Because young puma, this is something a man has to do to survive."

"By selling two beings into a market, where we will probably be slaughtered?" Paku asks, his anger growing.

"Look kid, I'm a bad man. I need to pay off some debts. It's just business, and it's not like I plan to keep you forever."

"Just let us go, we need to get somewhere important!" Paku yells.

"Can't do that dragon. You're my ticket into a better life, and I'm not willing to waste that." Gideon says.

"But we can help you!" Paku shouts.

"And how exactly are you planning on helping me? You're a dragon, and I'm a human. Not to mention you're tied up." Gideon laughs.

"Look, you can't be that bad of a person if you're feeding us your own food." Paku reasons, trying to appeal to Gideon's good side. "Join us, I'm sure you can find riches where we are going?"

Gideon sighs, walking over to the two captives. "Look, you're young, and want to be a hero. But know this. You don't know me. I've done some things. I've killed people. My soul is already damned to the inferno, so I would just give up trying to convince me to turn face now."

"There's always a chance for someone to turn around. You don't have to do this!" Paku huffs.

"No, I won't change my mind. Now eat your meat, and enjoy the rest of your night." Gideon says as he leaves.

"Hey! Let us go!" Paku shouts, watching the man leave.

"I will be back shortly. Try anything crazy and I will shoot another dart into your neck."

"I tried Patch." Paku says, looking glumly at the ground. "I really did."

"It's okay Paku. Some people can't be reasoned with." Patch says, trying to comfort his adopted brother and best friend.

"Yeah, but he said he's made up his mind into thinking he is a bad man."

"He's a criminal, but that doesn't make him a bad person." Patch says. "If you look hard enough, you'll find good people in every corner of the world."

"I know. I know." Paku says, taking some of the meat Gideon had thrown them and eating on it.

"This isn't the end for us, Paku. We can get out of here, and find our way back home." Patch says, giving his adoptive brother a hug. "We'll get out of this together."

Adventures of Paku the Dragon: The Shroud of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now