A weird dream

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A weird dream

A garden full of flowers, shimmer

Little after midday a tall long slender man with bright green eyes and light blue hair and big white wings comes into the scene by carrying his daughter to her smiling mother and by tickling her, the family eats together happily lunch, and then they spend the evening playing small tag games that included the father unfairly flying up while his daughter whines and his wife gives him a fake glare and then laughs.

The day goes on and in the last hours, the little girl falls asleep on her father's lap and leaves the two adults to chat in the calmness of midnight. It is not until the oak door breaks down that the girl is wide awake and an arrow is suddenly through her mother's heart and her mother's warm brown eyes turn lifeless, then her father's eyes go neon green, and the room flares up while she is carried in her father's arms towards her own room and with a touch and some unheard words she falls into a deep, deep black hole.

I jolt awake with the repeated nightmare that I tend to get, and sit right up in my bed which was a grave mistake because my now torn white pajama blouse is left in my thin sheets with the badly sewn stitches that my ¨roomates¨ did the honor to sew while I was in my heavy asleep, they seem to especially love sewing the back of my blouse with their poor sewing skills, not that I was especially skilled at it either, but if a sudden move breaks it, I doubt they're good for a seamstress job. Anyway, as I try to endure the cold breeze against my skinny back, I put on the closest shoes I can find, and happen to be unlucky enough to find the ¨gifts¨that my so-called friends stuck into my shoes when they finished sewing my blouse. I painfully yelp as I take my left foot out of the shoe and find that the needles are stuck at the bottom of my feet, as I painfully take them out, not after a few tears and an awful lot of blood going into the wooden floor, I find some use for my torn blouse and bandage up my foot, I examine my other shoe carefully and after making sure no other ¨gifts¨are to be found, I put it on find myself to be unlucky enough to have another sharp object stabbed into my pinky finger, I let out a yelp and yet more tears, I didn't just stain my stockings, but I also could not bandage it because I would be late for the unenjoyable breakfast, and it was required for the whole orphanage to gather there for some reason, I theorize it is for some ¨family time¨, but I think of it of rubbish.

Now you may be wondering, who are you? What are you talking about? And why did you just get stabbed by needles on your feet? That is unless you have a care of course, but to sum it up, I'm Lynx and I live in this manner that is the house of around 40 orphans under the name of Winchester, I'm 13 and a half years old, and I was raised here. I have no knowledge of where I came from, but all I have are these uncommon features that make me the official torture toy of the place. I have fuchsia hair, with light blue and purple stripes, with these bright green eyes and unflattering fucsia eyelashes. I'm also unnaturally skinny, and I can't seem to gain any weight no matter what I eat, not that they provide me with a lot of meals anyway, to begin with. 

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