Just a normal school day

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Just a normal school day

?? years later on?

26 of April 1980

Amber :

I woke up with a big thud as I again fell off the bed, I stood up half asleep and went to the bathroom to wash my face to wake up, as I stared at my expression I noticed how my auburn hair was messed up and my eyes had dark circles on them, so yeah I stayed till 2 am binge-watching Full house, but do I regret it? absolutely not. I quickly grabbed a denim skirt, and a blouse and quickly braided my hair to get some pop tarts to eat real quick before I'm late to my new school, you see I had recently moved into the state of Nevada and today was my first day at Stanford high, I was your average 16-year-old teenager and my parents had moved into the state to find some better job opportunities. Since I had just arrived a few days ago I barely had a chance to get some tourism done and a lot of unpacking to do, since my mother wanted everything organized and packed. So I had yet to visit Las Vegas or anything really. As I walked to the bus stop I passed through the Blue Diamond neighborhood, it was full of big manors and excessively big gardens, as I walked I saw a white Ferrari move towards the street, it was only a second but as I stepped back I looked into the eyes of a green-eyed girl, she looked about my age and I could not see any other features than her bright green eyes and direct stare.

When the bus arrived at school I immediately went to get my schedule, from the secretary, when I organized my schedule and got my locker combination I proceeded to go to the lockers, but I bumped into someone on my way, it was the very same girl that I saw in the car, she had shoulder-length blonde hair with choppy bangs with fuchsia highlights, her eyes were hooded and she had the longest lashes I had ever seen, she was tall and slim and was wearing a pleated skirt with a matching jacket and a white top, I muttered a quick sorry and continued walking, I quickly walked to avoid further awkward conversation and continued what I was supposed to do.

The day was going rather normally when the 5th period arrived, I had Chemistry class and as I quietly sat down at the last table, the same bond girl walked into the classroom, but this time she was surrounded by people, she clearly was popular around here. As I organized my material for the class people started to walk to their tables with their partners, I had already prepared myself for this situation and was ready to do individual work until the blonde girl sat right next to me.

After what felt like the most awkward 3 minutes of my life I managed to ask:

-¨So what's your name?, my classmate answered: "Lynx, Lynx Viatto, and what would be yours?", I answered:" Amber Longstone", she then said:" Well you see me and my friends always do this small party for the new students, so obviously you are more than invited to come", after that the teacher arrived at the class.

During the weekend I found myself staring at Lynx, maybe it was the fact people were always around her, her long eyelashes and slender striking slender figure would always get a few glances from the students. I found myself looking in her direction in the halls, during classes, and during breaks, I admired how she was what I wanted to be like. The day of the party came and I was standing at the Viatto front door, the house was two stories and it had two big main pillars on the front, although the place was not exactly huge, it still had a sophisticated air around it, a perfectly maintained garden with a fountain, and an open garage with two fancy cars parked, it was no different from the houses around. Almost immediately the tall doors opened and the face Lynx gave me a warm smile and pulled me into her house. The house was what you would expect from the outside, soft carpeted floors with expensive-looking couches and decorations, although the place was a picture-perfect decor magazine, it looked too perfect, like a brand new house that no one had lived in, the only thing that looked out of place was the decorated bar and the plastic cups for drinks, I then realized that I was the first to arrive, it was then that started the ¿am I too early?¿Should I leave and come back later? well, she did just give me an address and a "just come around 5" call, as I was about to turn back, a hand touched my shoulder, as I turned to excuse myself Lynx said: "Hey so I might have invited you a bit earlier so I could fix whatever you thought would be an outfit for a party, anyways here you are so let's get started shall we? she then dragged me to the stairs and completely changed me.

I was amazed when I looked in the mirror, I was wearing a striped top with sleeves paired with dark bell-bottom pants with black platforms, my hair had somehow gained volume and the simple eyeliner and mascara made me look like a teen model, I was looking at myself when Lynx came into the room wearing a short black dress up to her midthighs, she was wearing black heels and she had a long cardigan folded on her arms and as soon as she saw me she led me out of her room onto the living room,

The living room now had around 20 people spread out and there was a radio playing music in the background, I was about to grab a snack from the table when I was pushed into a group of people and with a hand holding my waist, Lynx introduced me to her friends and then took me to the illuminated backyard to dance, then shots were handed and I drank one after one, with the cheering of people, I did not stop until the world started spinning and everything seemed too bright and intense, I unsteadily walked into the house and drunkenly wandered around the second floor, I unsteadily entered a room and as I was about to reach the bed until I tripped on a loose carpet and it all went dark.

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