The beginning of the end

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The beginning of the end.


I sat up in the old wooden bed and looked around the dusty room, it had little light and the little it had was obstructed by a heavy curtain that I could feel dust coming from. As I looked down at my own body I analyzed its state; my limbs were as thin as the bed poles and I felt incredibly exhausted, I could not believe the state I was in. I had expected to wake up in a lamentable state. yes, but this was much more than lamentable. Since I had just regained my memories my mind had not processed them completely, and this created an internal fight between my consciousness that went on until now. Even though I could use my abilities, I was much too weak to even lift a finger. After 20 long minutes of struggle I managed to put a cloak over the thin nightgown I was wearing and for my luck, the door happened to have been left unlocked. From what I recalled I was quarantined here on the 6th floor; I kept walking towards the flower lovers to grab some items that I needed to speed up the lookout or my father, since he clearly would not come get me, cause why would he?. I grabbed the items I needed, and after checking that the back door was unlocked, I went up to the 3rd floor, where Miss Winchester's living dorm and office were located, and sneaked into the dorm. While I was on my mission I had made sure to flood every single bathroom I could find, so I would not be caught, I quickly found my prize: the safebox full of jewels and money and saved them into the wooden box I had found around, I put it in my travel bag and after destroying every single file I could find on me, I lit a match and threw it at the wood floor.

I was taking a walk around the rose gardens to kill some time when I saw one of my 'roomates¨ 'walking towards me with clear anger, and as she recognized my red travel cloak, she forcefully pushed me and made the mistake of pushing my hood off. Her angry face turned deadly white and her gray eyes went wide with fear and she stepped back. I saw her turn towards the house when I in a panicked state pushed her towards the rose bushes because I was not about to let Emily alert everyone that I had gone out, as I was supposed to have a deadly disease that would kill them all.

For starters, I did not want to resort to violence, but it was necessary, and as I ran away to the back door that I had left unlocked and went towards the main lounge. As I walked into the narrow hall, I noticed the fire had greatly spread, and as the smoke thickened many more children ran out of their rooms towards the exit. Had I done the right thing?, nevertheless I kept walking and as I looked around, I saw no sign of Mr. Winchester anywhere, so I went into the old drawing-room, and there she was with her greasy gray hair loose and her black dress half-burned to her knees. She was clutching a locket tightly and I saw her confused face turn into a rage-filled one when she saw my recognizable travel cloak. I saw everything in slow motion as Mrs. Wichester lunged at me and threw me to the wooden floor. I could not hear a thing the old lady shouted at me as I saw the copper locket that swung from side to side from her neck. I felt her cold fingers slap me and shout at me again, and then an intense wave of pain went over my body, it felt like being stabbed on the inside, and as I started seeing blurry and let out a soundless scream, I let out one simple thought; ¨No, I must get to father¨, I pushed off Mrs. Winchester with all the strenght I possesed and as she wouldn't budge, I stabbed the knife into Mrs. Winchester's chest with a quick movement. I saw her dark brown eyes turn lifeless and felt her body fall onto me. I felt my knees almost give in as I tried standing up and noticed my torn cloak.I weakly went towards the entrance lounge trying to breathe through the smoke that was already near enough to know that the fire was not far, as I limped towards the door, I did a quick sprint and grabbed the locket from Mrs. Wichesters lifeless body.

I was already near the front gate and the same intense pain went through me. I kept on walking towards the silver gate with intense determination, and as I was about to faint, I felt some arms wrap around me and with that, I blacked out. 

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