𝟒 - 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬(TW:Graphic depictions & mentions of suicide)

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(Quick Authors Note, I'm so sorry for the late updates . I'm going through a lot right now and need time to figure out what I'm going to do. I will continue writing this but it will take time and patience due to the unfortunate circumstances. Again, my aplogigizes for the inconvenence, but please try to understand where im coming from! Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day<3 )

Atsuhsi sat alone at the porch of some small café amidst the loads of other towering buildings that flooded Yokohama City. He observed the city around him carefully as if he were looking for someone. Atsushi began to space out when he heard a familiar voice pull him out of his entranced state. 

"Hey Atsushiii! ~" Ranpo beamed ,brislky speed walking towards Atsushi, eventually finding himself glued to the seat opposite from Atsuhsi .

"Finally ! I thought you had forgotten about me for a second ! " 

"Blah blah blah....Sooo did you order any treats? Like some cake? Ooh or maybe a waffle ?" 

"Much to your dismay, nothing but a plain frappucino...and it's for me so don't start getting any ideas okay?" 

"Oh...Well then I guess i'll have to take the liberty of ordering myself a treat!" 

Atsushi laughed at his friend's goofy personality . Times like this were important to him, something he cherished very close and dear to his heart. Memoeries that weren't filled with anguish and pain were the only ones worth remembering as much as he was concerned. Because remembering his past felt like a forcible stab in the back of his head. Like someone had twisted a knife inside of his head. The memories of his childhood were so much of a burden to Atsushi that he decided to shove them away in the dark alleyways of his mind.

Once Atsushi had snapped back into reality, he got straight to the point. 

"Ranpo, I want to ...No ...I need to ask you something regarding the apartment room I moved into."

"Hm..? Shur! Whabout it?" Ranpo replied with a faceful of whatever over sugary goodie he had purchased.

"Well...does it not seem ...kinda strange to you? I mean ..like..the atmosphere is somewhat unsettling first of all... Feels like I'm constantly being watched or followed. And I've found some...questionable items in my apartment.. Paired with the fact that the apartment is just overall known for being a sketchy place...I don't know...Don't get the wrong idea here!I'm still totally greatful for you offering me a place to stay!It's probably just me getting too parinoid..."

"Oh! Not a problem at all! It is kinda weird though, your experiences I mean. Me and Poe have lived here for two years and we have yet to have a single experience similar to anything you've just described! If you don't mind me asking, what are these 'questionable items' you found in your place?" Ranpo requested, it's like something inside of him flipped like a switch when it came to the investigational type topic. 

"Well, for starters, I found all of these items in a box no wider than my hand. It was small and looked like it had been put away in some attic to rot. "

"Hm..okay..did the box have any noticeable physical features on it? Anything unusual about the color? Any logos or designs ?" Ranpo pointed out.

"Not exactly , it's just a plain black box with lots of built up of old dust on it."

"Alright, and onto these items you found"

" In the box there was a locket ,as well as a letter to some guy named Osamu Dazai from a man named Ryunoske Akutugawa . In the locket lies a photo of who I presume to be this Auktagawa boy. " 

𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭  [AU] (Being rewritten!!)Where stories live. Discover now