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"Oh ! I see....how unfortunate. " Atsushi responded, dragging the sigh out of his mouth along with the sentiment.

"Affirmative..I am upon the feeling of disappointment and dismay just as much as you display. Yet we need not sulk on it further, let us change the subject." Akutgawa insisted avoindently,trying to stray away from the ever so depressing topic.

Atsushi payed attention to none but the wooden floor underneath him. He was frustrated. Frustrated that after everything his fate was yet once again  death's door. He wouldn't accept that it was his destiny to die. But the refusal only worsened the truth. The denial built up on him, becoming an overbearing wall of fear he was unable to climb. He thought these circumstances were unrealistic and wrong. In desperate search of a change of thought, Atsushi glanced over at the small clock ticking at his nearby bedside table . His eyes widened frantically as if the clock itself was taunting him .

"Agh shit! I promised to meet Ranpo and Poe at the park today! " Atsushi yelped, suddenly recalling their texts.

"Ah..well have fun Atsushi.." Akutagawa hesitates, feeling as though he was missing out, despite not being acquainted with the couple.

"Sorry to leave at such a pivotal moment, but something really important is happening and I need to be there to record it!" Atsushi blurted out halfway out of the door. 

"Of course..of course Atsushi has real friends. People help support him and see him thrive in the real world. The real world..a place I haven't returned to in decades, and shan't ever return to. He seems to be like me, tolerating it, yet despising it all at the same time. " Akutagawa thought to himself, questining every little aspect of curiosity in his head.

"I wonder what is such a 'big deal' as Jinko calls it. It must be pretty crucial for him. " Akutagawa whipered lightly, even if no one could nessecaraly hear him anyways.

"What if..it's something dangerous..what if he gets hurt?! I have to keep an eye on him..I can't afford to lose him..I can't lose me.." Akutagawa obsessed, holding some type of unhealthy delusion that Atushsi wouldn't be safe without his protection 24/7 365.

And so, he rushed out, following Atsushi's every step. He hid behind several objects whenever Atsushi would turn around in suspicion.  Akutagawa dreaded being seen by anyone other than Atsushi, but doubted that anyone possessed a gift just as special as Atushsi did. The gift of being able to see a ghost with the naked eye.

Atsushi finally arrived at the green scenery, taking in deep breaths of the clear breeze that ruffled with his hair and played with each and every wrinkle on his attire. He stood joyful in this brightened, fresh atmosphere as it rebirthed him. He felt anew ,his skin felt cool against the breeze , and the purple clouds above him gave him a sense of color once more. He felt relaxed, and enjoyed this new mellow, and engulded himself deeply into it. The ambience created a sheild of saftey around him, and he somehow felt assured , assured that he'd be okay.

In the distance , he spotted the silhouette of  Ranpo and Poe ,marking his que to start on his way to meet them for the first time after the recent tragic incident. The couple's hands were joined as one, and they looked into each other's eyes longingly. The lightning of true love had definitely been struck, and Atushsi had always been able to tell. From the moment they met they wouldn't stop obsessing over one another, despite starting off terms as enemies.  Atsushi was quite jealous of their relationship, always so close together ,understanding one another perfectly. It had seemed so flawless and easy ,but alas he found it to be quite the opposite. 

He had struggled with love countless times. From betrayal, backstabbing, and worse relationship faitalities, he now cannot truly accept love . But he still trusts, he still loves, he still cares. A maraculice case he is indeed. He continues to grow a subconscious hate for love, pleading the gods for just a single sweet taste of the addicting feeling.  

"Hey Ranpo! Hey Poe! You two seem to be enjoying the scenery as well!" Atsushi started, approaching the happy couple casually. 

Ranpo was still lost in Poe's violet, glossy eyes. His lenghty bangs had been pulled back, making the view of his presious eye's much more visible.

"Or maybe you're enjoying a different type of sight. " Atsuhsi giggled, snapping Ranpo ot of his entranced state. 

"Oh! My bad! Please forgive me! Seems I just can't help myself! " Ranpo excused himself, trying to find some sort of excuse to make the deed appear less selfish.

Atsushi exhaled a slight chuckle. "It's fine." 

Akutagawa stared in fear from behind a tree. Seeing Atsushi laugh sincerely for the first time lit something deep inside of him. 

"I want to see him laugh like that even more...I want him to be happy..but I want him to be happy with me..No one else but me..He belongs with me..It's fated! He's the only one that can see me! Therefore we must be fated to be..It cannot be with a single other soul he lies his love and trust in. It must be strictly me.." 

Menacing thoughts flooded Akutagawa's mind endlessly, eventually consuming his entire body. His body began to shake, and he formed himself into a tiny ball on the ground. He cradled himself back and forth, trying to contain all of the intriguing thoughts all at once. Atushsi's keen ear sensed the sound of disturbing whispers, but couldn't quite pin point where it had been coming from, so he chose to ignore it ignorantly.

"Well, shall we find a picnic table to set down our food? Or are you two too busy getting hypnotized by each other?" Atsushi hald jokingly teased the couple, begining to get impatient.

"Why of course. " Poe commented, smiling at Atsushi as though he was thanking him for something.

𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭  [AU] (Being rewritten!!)Where stories live. Discover now