Love Me?

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"Do you love me?" Natasha asks grabbing my attention so I look at her as she has just walked into my room without knocking or anything "yes of course I do" I say knowing she wants to ask another question so I wait forherto ask it "why do you love me?" She asks making me understand that she is having those kind of thoughts...

"Come sit" I say and pat my bed that I am sat on and she does sit down "I love you because... You're broken" I tell her and she looks confused "what?" She asks and I knew I woul have to explain further "because I will be the reason that you will understand that you can be loved, that you're not the problem..." She takes a moment to think about it

"Are you going to leave me?" She asks making me shake my head "no... You will" I tell her and she looks at me with this look "what does that mean?" She asks making me take hold of her hands "you will... When you're ready" weather she Denys it or not we don't have forever and I know people always move on especially with me... I'm replaceable

Vol. 2 Moments / One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now