You, Bucky

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"You" I say seeing the new member of the Avengers called Bucky... I point at him and walk past Nat and grab her gun off of her hip hoster which she didn't expect so she couldn't react quick enough and aim it at Bucky as I shot at him but he uses his metal arm blocking some bullets and runs behind a sofa as I run out of bullets as the others are in shock from me doing this but I keep the gun in hand

"Y/n please let me explain" Bucky says as I walk past Thor grabbing his hammer out of his hand and walking over to bucky holding it by myself "oh my god" Wanda says as everyone else looks at me in shock probably from being worthy but Thor the most and Nat runs over to me and grabs my waist pulling me back "no need I saw everything with my own eyes!" I shout and throw lightening towards the sofa making it flip over him so he looks at me and stands up as I get closer so Wanda starts helping Nat by standing in front of me holding my arms down but I try to get them off me

"I'm sorry!" He says and I see sorrow in his eyes but I also see something else... Is that... Remorse?... But he killed them... My family... I stop struggling against Nat and Wanda but I don't take my eyes off of him so Wanda loosens her hold "yeah, I'm sorry too... For not killing you when I had the chance!" I say and throw the hammer at him but he lifts his metal arm blocking it but sending him back into the broken couch but I leave after that not killing him as it's not right and it's not me

I go to my room still in a bad mood and still wanting to kill him but I know that isn't me and that my family wouldn't want that for me "y/n?" I hear Nats voice coming into my room and sees me sat on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands and elbows on my knees "leave me alone" I say even though I know she won't be doing that as she comes over and sits down on the bed on my right side and I feel her place her hand on my back making me sign heavily before lifting myself up

"I'm sorry I took your gun" I tell her and I see her smile as I offer her gun back to her and she takes it and puts it back in her holster on her hip "first time anyone had ever been able to do that" she admits making me nod "I'm impressed" she says but I look away from her "and not to mention that Thor is still out there with the same expression on his face" she says refering to me taking his hammer off of him "yikes... I might of broke him" I say and she chuckles softly before shuffling closer to me on the bed so I make more room for her

"Come here, detka" she say and puts her arm out for me so I let her embrace me and soke up the comfort she is providing me me and Nat have been closer since the red room and have been together a year after escaping and we have been going stronger for many more years and it's the best thing that has ever happened to me she is my everything

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