Preggo Belly Lift

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I'm about 7 months pregnant now with our baby and Nat said she wants to try something so Wanda helps me stand up and brings me to the middle of our room while Nat goes behind me and wraps her arms around me while Wanda kisses the back of my hands making me smile as I see Nat's hands rub my baby belly as she kisses my cheek so I turn my head and look at her

"You ready?" Nat asks and I still don't know what they are up to but I just nod and I feel her snake her arms to the underside of my belly and then she starts to slowly lift that weight off of me making me feel so much lighter and oh my god "o-oh~ Trankhni menya(fuck me)" my head falls back onto her shoulder in pure delight as my eyes close soaking up the feeling of being weightless and I hear Wanda laugh lightly at my reaction "save that reaction for the bedroom babe" Wanda jokes as I did just moan but I have a good reason for it

"Oh my god... Why didn't you do this sooner" I mumble but I know they heard "does it feel that good?" Wanda asks making me nod my head lighting it back up and opening my eyes "hmmm, you have no idea" I answer as I feel Nat slowly putting my belly back down making me frown and getting a little mad "ah, suchka(bitch)" Nat laughs at me cursing at her in our mother language "I'm sorry detka(babe)" she says and kisses my cheek again and Wanda let's go of one of my hands and places it on my belly

I groan and look away from her which makes her kiss my neck as she gently rubs her hands over our baby and we all feel our Baba kick making us all look down and I nod "I agree" I say and look at Nat "you owe us ice cream for that" I say making her chuckle but nod "okay what flavour?" She asks making me think about it and look forward at Wanda who is looking down at our Baba

"I don't care as long as it is ice cream," I say so Nat nods and lets go of me to leave and get it but I hold her arm "wait... Can you do it again?" I ask making her smile "but I have to go get your ice cream" she says and I see Wanda look up "I can do it" Wanda says so I look at her and she looks at Nat "go get the ice cream before she turns into hungry y/n" Wanda says as Nat hum agreeing with our girlfriend before kissing my cheek again and leaving us as Wanda come behind me and replaces Nat with herself

She puts her hands under my belly caressing our Baba "ready?" She asks dragging it out "please just do it" I mutter making her smile but does as I ask again making my head fall back and I sign in the pleasure at the way she takes all of the weight off of me and I lean back into her being a little weak in the knees because of this and she supports me and our baby

"Ya lyublyu tebya, milyy(I love you, Hunny)" I utter as she hums happily into my neck and plants a kiss there "I love you too," she says as she stays like this until Nat gets back with ice cream and sets it down on the table and Wanda goes to put my belly down but I grab her hands "don't you fucking dare" I growl making Nat look over at us and Wanda giggles in my ear softly "but I thought you wanted ice cream?" She asks making me huff "it can wait" I frown and lift my head off of her shoulder

"But it will be melted by then," Nat says coming over to us and putting her hand around my waist taking some of my weight off of Wanda and holding me herself and pressing my belly gently against hers so I remove one of my hands from Wanda's and put it around her back of Nat's neck and play with her hair a little making this content smile form on her face

I feel Wanda tenderly placing my belly back down in her own time making me frown and groan in disapproval as I lean forward and rest my head on Nat's shoulder as she places a kiss on my temple "come on detka, let go and watch some movies and eat ice cream" I hear Nat say and I huff but lift my head "okay" I mumble and Nat leads me to the sofa and I grab Wanda's hand dragging her with us

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