Heal her 2

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I see Nat looking at the bullet as she holds it up before looking at me seeing I am focused on healing her but I move my eyes to hers and she offers me a soft but sweet smile which I return before looking away and back to what I am doing as I see her wound piecing itself back together with the stars as a kind of replacement for the missing or too damaged parts until the skin finally puts itself back together creating a bullet wound scar

Unfortunately, I can't get rid of scars but only pain and wounds like this the blood will need to be cleaned manually once I am done I lower my left hand still having my right on the back of her shoulder keeping it numb but now that it is done I don't have to so I stop that ability too before looking back at her into her eyes "what would I do without you" she says looking back to me and I shrug a little bit

"Let's get this blood cleaned up" I know I don't speak a lot and she knows this because it is very rare that I do speak but I speak to her more than anyone as I trust her the most and feel most comfortable around her that's is how we ended up dating plus I could see how she felt about me because of my abilities so that kinda helped us out and get together "yes ma'am," she says making me smile as we both stand up and go to the bathroom where I help her get the blood off her shoulder and then wash my hands

"Thank you babe," she tells me as I finish washing the blood away but I look at her through the mirror and show a soft smile to her which she sees and returns to me "it's no problem" I respond as she comes up behind me and snakes her arms around my waist and rests her chin on my shoulder for a few seconds before she lifts her head and kisses my cheek making a smile form on my lips and a faint blush on my cheeks which she chuckles at lowly once she pulls back and sees it

"How about a proper kiss? I haven't had one since we woke up" she says and I'm not going to say no so I turn in her arms as she loosens her grip for me to do so and I look at her in her vibrant grassy green eyes before we lean in and share an overly long-awaited blissful kiss as her juicy plump lips are so addictive to me that I tenderly caress her face in my hands as one kiss turns into two and two turns into three and so on as we are soon softly making out and she takes the lead with the kiss not being dominant but just being in control

She was gentle as always but as passionate as ever that is one of the many things I love about Natasha she is so understanding and patient with me as I never feel forced or pressured by her as she always supports me as I do her as she is the best thing that has ever happened to me so I try to make her as happy and comfortable as I possibly can as she does back to me

"Hmmm" she hums in contentment as she presses me up against the sink that is behind me and deepens the kiss more by swiping her tongue over my bottom lip asking for approval I allow her entrance which she gladly takes with a little squeeze of my hips as she does my arms wrap around her neck loosely as our tongues massage each other as she presses her body flush against my own so there is no space between us and I feel her warmth spreading through my body making everything ten times better

After a little, while she starts to make her way down my jaw and onto my neck as my breathing patterns had been fucked up by now "T-Tasha" damn it she always has this effect on me but I call her name out and she pulls back and looks at me "we're at work" I remind her but she smiles but doesn't move "when has that ever stopped us?" She questions making me look away from her knowing that she is right but only because I give in too easily

"Babe, someone could walk in on us," I tell her and she nods knowing that I am right "so let them," she says making me lift my eyes back up to her as she leans back down and goes to my neck again but this time she gently nibbles on me making me bite my tongue so I don't make a sound but then she starts to suck on my sweet area on my neck making it harder to hold back the moans but what I do as well as tilting my head to the side slightly giving her more room to work with like I said I give in too easily...

By now it was almost impossible to keep quiet as a few small whimpers come from me as I feel her hands also under my shirt as her fingers tenderly rake the sides of my torso making me shiver at this and I feel her smirk against my skin knowing that I am at my breaking point "N-Nat" another little moan comes from me warning her as the bathroom door is wide open and so is the bedroom door so anyone could just walk in on us

She huff's and pulls back and looks behind me onto the mirror and then just boots the door shut with the perfect amount of strength for it to shut properly but not enough to make it slam which makes her smile and look back at me "better?" She asks but doesn't really look for an answer "even though I wouldn't mind people seeing me claiming what's mine" she says as her hands fall to my behind as she grips me firmly and pulls me into her as she does this and catches my lips on her own again

I suppose it is better so I just let her get what she wants as I don't dislike it, not one bit

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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