Mr. Blue Bear 2

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(A/n I need ideas... Help 🙃)

"Mrs Pots y/n here doesn't like to wash the teddy... It's extremely sentimental to her and she feels like if it is washed all of those memories will go with it" Nat explains as I've told her this in the past "oh... I didn't even think of that... I'm so sorry, I haven't washed it but I have sewen up a few patches... I hope that doesn't hurt the sentiment part of the teddy in any way" Pepper says holding out the teddy in her hands and I see that she has fixed a few holes that the teddy had so maybe the teddy's adventures haven't stopped just yet so maybe this will add to its character

I lean over to Pepper and open my mouth and grab the teddy from her hand and making sure to be careful so I don't nip her with my teeth I take the teddy in my mouth holding onto its arm so it is dangling from my mouth and huff at them before I start walking away from them both as I hear them talking or each other but I don't pay attention as I go to my room having a little struggle getting through the door but I manage and I did a little army crawl before I place the teddy on the bed and look down at it making sure it is still how it was apart from the stitches but he still smells the same so I think he is okay

I climb up onto the bed as my bedroom door opens and I know who it is as I smelt them walking down the hall so they close the door and come over to me as I curl up around my teddy and use my snout to pull it further into me before I look at Natasha who is looking at me and the teddy bear and I whine at she so she comes closer and starts to let my head "what's the matter baby?" She asks not knowing that I am still a little worried that someone else will come and take him again and I think she notices this as I put my paw over the teddy and she sits down on the bed next to me

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone else will even think about taking him away from you again" she reassures me before I rest my head on her lap as she continues to stroke and pet me knowing that I will turn back soon so she grabs the blanket beside her on the edge of the bed and throws it over my body for when I do turn back to normal and she keeps on stroking my fur softly as she looks up possibly thinking to herself about the past events

Minutes pass and I soon start to feel myself turning back to normal as my body starts to shrink and fur starts to disappear under my skin and parts that should turn back to as almost everything goes back to my human form which makes Natasha look down still with her hand in my hair tenderly stroking through it as I only have a few things left to turn back to normal like getting rid of my wolf ear, claws, tail, teeth and eyes but other than that I'm human "hey... Take it easy babe" She says knowing that I am a little bit off and distorted vision-wise after turning back as my head is spinning a little making me groan with a little growl following it as my wolf is settling down

"It's okay," she says as I feel Nat scratch behind my wolf ears as my claws retract and I slowly lift the top half of my body but stay low to the bed "you're doing so well" she keeps muttering sweet things to me as my wolf ears fade too as I get up a little more and look at Natasha who is looking at me and doesn't dare to take her eyes lower as if she does she would see a lot more than what I want her to as the blanket falls to my waist "that's it" she continues to keep her eyes on mine as I'm just breathless from the effort of turning back and from seeing her beauty as she lifts her hand to the side of my face with a soft smile as my teeth reattach too while looking into her green emerald eyes

"Such a good girl" oh boy don't praise me like that... I think she knew I have a praise kink as my tail starts to wag from under the covers making her look at it so I look away knowing she knew what it does to me by the actions of my tail which I have no control over and I see her smirk a little but keep her composure as expected "oh... Looks like not just you but also your wolf who loves to be praised" she teases making me pout with a little frown following it and huff knowing she is right as she chuckles lowly "shut up" I mumble as I grab my teddy and hold it to my chest so she can't see any of my nude body

Finally, my eyes turn back to normal and tails disappear under my skin "stay here I'll run you a bath" she says knowing I've only just gotten back from a mission and I was going to do that when I got back but things didn't go as planned but she gets up and goes to the bathroom as I hear water running I lay down on my back with my teddy on my chest covering my breasts and the blanket covering my lower half and I close my eyes trying to restore some of the energy I've just used and lost but after a few more minutes pass I feel the bed dip making me open my eyes and look at Nat who smiles down at me lovingly

Vol. 2 Moments / One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now