Mr. Blue Bear 3

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"I'll bring you some clothes all you have to do is get in the bath okay" she informs me so I nod as she then leans down and kisses my head before standing up and walking over to my walk-in wardrobe and going in there while I go to the bathroom seeing the bathtub with bubbles in it so I smile knowing that Natasha knows I love bubbles so I get in letting my body heat up and I sign in content as my muscles relax and not long after Nat walks in through the open door and places down the clean clothes next to the towels and then looks over at me making sure I'm all right and she can't see anything due to the bubbles thankfully but not like I would mind anyway even if we haven't gone that far I still feel comfortable around her and wouldn't care if she did see anything as I know she would make me feel loved and comfortable in every way

"You feeling better?" She asks coming over to me and bending down beside me as I smile and lift my dry hand to her hand and caress her cheek before sitting up and leaning over to her as I press my lips against hers so she kisses me back sweetly for a while before I pull back and rest my head against hers "thank you baby" I tell her as I pull back and look at her to see her showing me a soft smile "it's no problem, Lyubov" she says making my heart flutter at the pet name in Russian she called me "hmm... You know, I love it when you speak to me in Russian" I tell her as I see this smirk form on her face "I mne nravitsya, chto tebe tak komfortno ryadom so mnoy" (and I love that you are so comfortable around me) it just rolls of her tongue and her accent comes out oh my god... How can I live on after hearing that? But what she doesn't know is that I understand Russian along with a few other languages but I think it is time to let her know

"Kak ya ne mogu?" (How could I not?) She seems surprised that I responded in Russian and that I understood her "you speak Russian" she says making me smile but nod "yeah I speak a few languages babe" I tell her which makes her smile with a little chuckle "you're just full of surprises aren't you?" She asks making me huff knowing that I do have a few hidden skills up my sleeve "maybe I can show you a few other surprises at some point" I say with nothing but a flirtatious tone making her hum lowly in approval and rest her elbow on the edge of the bathtub and lean on it still looking at me with this look in her eyes

"Oh? Like what?" She plays along with me and I just keep it innocent as I know we aren't going to go that far tonight "you just have to wait and see" she raises an eyebrow at this "yeah... I'll have a feeling... I'll see" she teases looking down at the bubbles briefly making it a hint on what she might see making me shake my head softly still looking at her as she looks into my eyes before showing a little smile as I lean over to her ghosting my lips over hers before speaking "perv" but kiss her so she can't respond to it but she happily kisses me back with a pleased little hum

Vol. 2 Moments / One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now