No Touchy 2

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"Y/n are you even listening?" Oh shit, I look at Fury now paying attention and he sees that I wasn't making him sign deeply while looking at me and I give him a sheepish smile with a sorry look with a little shy shrug so he repeats himself for me "I said that you will be training with agent Romanoff and Maximoff later on today and for as long as they think you need it do you understand?" He says making me nod not arguing with my boss

"Good, Hills... Make sure she does as she is told" Fury says to Maria and she nods knowing I can be a little troublemaker when I want Fury leaves while Maria turns her head and looks at me and I smile happily at her 'haha you're stuck with me for the day' I sign to her and she raises an eyebrow 'no-no y/n/n, it is the other way around you are stuck with me' she signs back making my smile disappear as I know she isn't going to make my day easy and she shows a balanced smile meaning she is happy with my reaction

'I wanna go home' I sign and huff at the end "you are" she says as this is my new home now as I will be living here like everyone else and I inhale deeply and frown 'I know' I respond and she smiles softly "why are you two making weird hand gestured to each other?" Thor asks making us both look at him "it is called sign language Thor it's another way to communicate without speaking" Clint informs him making Thor confused

"Can the midguardian not speak?" He asks so I look at Maria who sees me looking at her knowing that she should answer this for me as they don't understand sign language "she can and no she isn't deaf either, she just feels most comfortable communicating through sign language especially when she is around big crowds of people she doesn't know or trust" Maria says for me and she is right

"This is a big crowd?" Steve asks looking around at the team of eight not including me or Maria 'kinda yeah' I sign and Maria saw what I said "y/n is the biggest but kindest introvert you will ever meet and she is very... Awkward as well as... Quirky" Maria says making me frown and pulls a face of 'what?' or 'excuse me?' as I don't even understand what she means by that even if I know what the word means but I just let it slide as she continues to speak "although she has a good heart and she is very valuable to S.H.I.E.L.D. and I think that you all will understand that once you get to know her better" Maria then looks at me so I look at her

"She is a good friend too," she says making me smile sweetly at her and she returns it but then looks away from me as at the team "seems like you've known her for a while" Nat implies and Maria nods and nods I as we have known each other for years that's how she knows sign language because I taught her myself and she has gotten good at it over the years thanks to moi

"How can we get to know her better when we don't even understand what she is saying?" Tony says making me look towards him 'are you supposed to be the genius? Your figure something out I sign and Maria tilts her head and shakes her head "I can't say that" she says making me look at her 'why not? It's what I said not what you said' I sign making her sign and look at Tony "she said your figure something out because you're the genius" she twisted my words... I poke her shoulder getting her attention again

'Hey, don't muddle my words' the clear frown on my face shows that she didn't say what I wanted her to say "I didn't I was just putting it in a politer way" she utters making me look at her with an unimpressed look on my face "y/n can I speak to you alone outside quickly?" Maria asks as she comes closer and puts her hand on my shoulder and turns me around and pushes me towards the door so I just let her do what she is doing and once we are outside of the room she stands in front of me as the door closes behind us

"Y/n, these are your new teammate... One day you might have to put your life in their hands and being rude to them isn't going to help I know you don't trust them but for the love of God please try and respect them for your own sake, okay?" She says making me look down 'I wasn't trying to be rude... I was being sarcastic, it's kinda hard to tell the difference through sign language but that's why you should read the facial expressions to go with it' I mention back to her and she doesn't look too happy

"It's kinda hard to understand what your expressions are saying while watching you sign at the same time y/n" she was a little harsh with her tone but I look down and make a fist with my right hand and put it to my left side of my chest and circle it 'sorry' she signs lightly "it's okay just... Be sincere please?" She asks making me nod as I lower my hand to my side

Vol. 2 Moments / One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now