Mr. Blue Bear 1

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I walk into my room and look forward and instantly my smile disappears like it wasn't there, to begin with, because I notice something is missing... Something very important to me... Very sentimental

My teddy bear... Mr. Blue Bear is gone from my bed... Where the hell is he... I turn on my heels and march to the lounge and see most of the Avengers there including my girlfriend "hey!" I shout making them all turn their head and look towards me and now that I have all of their attention and they can see I'm in no good mood "where the hell is he?" I ask trying to keep my cool and they all share looks and Nat my girlfriend frowns with a confused look on her face "who?" Tony asks making me take a breath "don't give me that you know damn well whom I'm talking about" I express raising my voice making him look away from me as I feel my blood boiling to the point it could overflow and I think they can see this

Steve isn't even looking at me making me think he knows something "Rogers," I say with a firm tone and start making my way over to him and he lifts his head seeing that I am getting closer to him "is there something you're not telling me?" I ask and I see he starts to back up away from me "calm down y/n let's talk about this before you jump to conclusions" he says but I shake my head slowly "too late for that so I suggest you start talking before I start acting" he can tell I'm not messing around "it's just a teddy y/n" he says making me clench my fists and jaw

"Oh, shit" I hear Nat's voice as she knows what the teddy means to me "Steve, where is it?" She asks now on my side knowing I will do anything for that teddy bear "that ratty tatty old thing?" He says making me growl before I feel myself starting to lose control of my wolf side as my eyes turn and claws sharpen out through my fingers and fangs come out and I growl lowly stepping closer to him "I won't ask again" I mutter through my teeth or fangs at this point and he looks terrified of me now seeing that I am not getting any control back anytime soon until I get what I want

"Steve I strongly advise that you tell her, where. It. Is." Wanda utters seeing and hearing my bones starting to crack and bend before them all as I finally lose it and my clothes rip off of my body as I turn into my giant black and white wolf form and lunge at Steve but he dodges and I growl loudly in disapproval as I see he grabs his shield "I don't have it!" He shouts as I swing a paw at him and hit his shield as he lifted it but he goes flying into a wall "ugh... She took it! I don't know why or what she is doing to it but she took it!" He says seeing me running at him at full speed and skid on the pads of my paws making me stop right in front of him and lower my head to his height showing my teeth and growling lowly licking my chops as I look him in his eyes meaning I need more than what he is giving me

I get closer making him turn his head as I get too close for his comfort "Pepper" he speaks just above a whisper making me stop growling and pull away from him now just confused as to why Pepper has my teddy so I turn my head and look at Tony thinking that maybe he knows why she has it but he just shrugs so I huff and turn my body and start walking away and down the hall pushing the double doors open with my head ducking down through them and start walking down the stairs but I look back as I hear footsteps and see that Natasha has followed me and has just walked through the double doors

She sees me looking at her and I stop as she gets to me but I look away feeling ashamed of losing control of my wolf but she gets to me and I feel her place a hand against my fur coat with a little bit of a stroke to it so I look back at her "it's okay, I know what the teddy means to you and I'm sure they would understand if they knew too" she tells me and I sign with a huff lowering my head a bit more looking at the ground "come on, let's go get Mr. Blue Bear" she says with a little kiss on my snout as she lifts my head a little when she does this so I huff again

I then put my snout through the middle of her legs and lift her "whoa" she squeals in shock at my actions as she slides down my head and onto my back and I start walking again as she turns around so she is facing the right way and I follow the scent of Pepper and find her and the noises of us entering the room makes her look over at us and her eyes widen at the sight of me as I am very huge for a wolf "oh my god" she says and stands up and I see the blue bear in her hand making me trot over to her and lower my head to her as Nat slides down my body and lands on her feet safely looking at Pepper seeing that she was about to wash the teddy...

"Mrs Pots, why have you got y/n's teddy?" Nat asks making me stay quiet waiting for an answer "oh well I uhh... I saw that y/n's bedroom door was open and I saw the teddy and it looks like it needs a wash and then once I got a closer look at it I saw it needed mending too" she explains and lucky I got here just in time as I don't want to wash all those memories off of the teddy

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