Girls, Sleep Over

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How did I get into this situation?... I don't know well I do it was Wanda who made this happen but I have been invited by Nat so now I'm going to be in a room full of girls including my two crushes Wanda and Natasha with a few other female heroes like Maria, Carol, Hope, Valkyrie, Gamora and Shuri and this is a so-called girls night... Yay... I haven't met most of these women yet so this shall be interesting

"Y/n!" I hear a cheer as I walk into the room and look to see everyone is here and cheers as I walk through the door "uhh... Hello" I say awkwardly with a little wave and I hear a gasp "oh my god, you didn't tell me she was British!" Shuri says to Wanda as Hope comes over to me and drags me over to the rest of the group "I do love a good British accent" Maria says as Hope sits down and pulls me down next to her so I sit with Natasha on my right side "hi" I say awkwardly to Nat who smiles softly at me "hey, glad you could make it" she says making me smile "yeah, thanks for inviting me" I respond even if I didn't want to be here in the first place but now I'm thinking maybe this won't be so bad


"Just do it," Carol says making me inhale deeply as they all wait to see if I say what they had asked or not but I don't know if I want to because I know what they want me to say and how it sounds when I say it...


"Party pooper!" Shuri says with a bit of a laugh in her tone and Gamora "oh come on it's just your accent we want to hear" tell me making me roll my eyes and sign "ight, fine... I don't understand why but..." I mumble and I see Wanda smile as they wait patiently for me to speak up "ah botal o walter" I speak making them cheer happily as Nat smiles cutely and Wanda grins hearing my accent coming through thicker than usual

"Ugh it's just so good," Shuri says making me shake my head "again again again!" Hope chants making me frown and shake my head before I get a better idea I liked seeing the grin on Wanda's face and the smile on Nat too "I have something better" I say making them quiet down "okay?" Maria says making me look around the circle and start from my left seeing Hope

"I'll just give you all nicknames for the night," I tell them and they seem to agree so "sweetie" I give Hope her nickname and she looks at the others so I continue to the next person Carol "don't worry my dear the names won't stick forever," I say as I know it might be awkward if I do so I look and see the next person Shuri... Hmmm

"Hun," I say and move my eyes to the next Valkyrie "Honey" now Gamora "cutie" I look and see Maria and I pause and think as she raises an eyebrow at me "sweetheart" I smile and she seems to like it as the other like theirs so next is Wanda who seems excited about getting a pet name from me "you seem excited to get a pet name from me, Luv," I say and she smiles after hearing me calling her love in my accent but I finally move onto Natasha so turns her head away from Wanda and at me and I put on a thinking face

I finally think of a name and smirk which makes her tilt her head wondering what it could be so I sit up and face her "what's the matter aye, worried I might call you something bizarre? Darling~" I let my accent through with no restrains and smirk as she straightens her head and raises both eyebrows at the name "now we just need to give you a pet name," Natasha says making me shrug

"How about sexy?" Valkyrie says making me look at her "or pet" Gamora speaks up "Hunny bun?" Hope suggests "sweet cakes?" Shuri adds and I just smile as they all start to figure out a nickname for me "kitten?" Wanda says making me look at her seeing her looking at Nat who is smirking "what about my normal nickname? Y/n/n?" I speak up and soon enough they agree to call me that


"Oh, bullocks I would of kno- oh crap you're right" as soon as I finish the sentence I hear laughter full the room as I put my shirt on the wrong way so I blush from the embarrassment before putting it on the right way and sitting down next to Wanda who is on my left and Nat on my right "okay now we all are going to play is truth or dare," Valkyrie says making me frown as I think I know how this goes... Well... This night has just got more interesting...

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