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"So what do we do?" Wanda asks as I set up my phone knowing what is about to happen "just stay there" I say as it starts recording and I step back seeing Nat and Wanda in a good view of the camera so I wait there as they also just wait until I walk off of screen and turn to them and lift my shirt and they both see I'm not wearing a bra and Wanda's eyes widen and she smiles while Nat smirks and raises an eyebrow looking at my naked breasts Wanda then makes grabby hands towards me making me laugh and she bites her lip

I put my shirt down as the recording stops "I... Think I'm starting to like this tik tok thing" Nat says and Wanda nods agreeing as I grab my phone and post it obviously tagging them so they can watch their reactions "uh huh" Wanda agrees as I look up seeing them both looking at me with the same look and I know what it means "no" I say but they don't stop giving me the look "I said no" I say pointing at them but they both start coming over to me so I start running as they chase me around the house

"Get back here!" Wanda says as I run down stairs with them both hot on my tail as I run through the living room standing behind the couch as they both go either side of it "looks like you're cornered babe" Nat says as they both lunge at me but I jump over the couch to escape them both and it worked so I run through the kitchen and into the back yard and jump up into the tree with a little help from my powers

I look down to see them come outside and see me up a tree "get down" Nat says but I shake my head "no, I know what is coming my way" I say as I start climbing higher as Nat starts climbing the tree "Nat wait" Wanda says stopping her from getting any higher and Wanda then flies up to me and I pout "no fair you have better powers them me" I mumble to her but she heard it

"Come down now and we won't go so hard on you" Wanda says and holds out her hand for me to take as I see Nat looking up at us from the floor but I don't see another choice so I take Wanda's hand and she picks me up and lowers us to the ground "I just hope the views were worth it" I say and Nat looks at Wanda and Wanda knows what I'm on about as she gets her phone out and see I've tagged them in it so they watch their reactions and while they do this I manage to sneak off somewhere they won't find me... Or maybe they will...

Vol. 2 Moments / One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now