No Touchy 3

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"Thank you... Now stay here" she says and walks back into the room leaving me outside just awkwardly standing there alone and now I just feel like a kid that got kicked out of their classroom for misbehaving so I lean against the wall and huff waiting for her to come back out and I lean my head back against the wall too as I hear the door open and she walks back out and looks over at me but then more people walk out making me lift my head off of the wall as one by one the Avengers walkout by Nat and Wanda walk over to Maria's side while the rest leave to go and do their own thing and I see Vision look over at me before coming over

"It was a pleasure to meet you y/n," he says making me smile 'it was nice to meet you too V' I sign as I'm not sure if he understands what I am saying but I thought what the hell ya know "V? Is that a nickname for me?" He asks making me take a moment to realise he understands sign language but I mentally facepalm as he is a part robot so obviously, his database can be updated when he wants

'Yeah if you don't like it I can always just call you Vis or something else' he just smiles at me "I like it" he says making me smile 'cool' I say as he then leaves and I watch him walk away before turning back the three woman in front of me 'do you know how intimidating you three look right now?' I ask and I see Nat show a small smile while Wanda tilts her head and Maria keeps her eyes on me as they all do "are you easily intimated by a woman?" Nat asks making me look at her and my brain sorts circuits for many reasons one being she understood what I said, fuck and two damn... Those eyes and three... She's so beautiful but also four she is freaking correct!...

All I could do was blink while looking at her and kinda breathe "I... I think we broke her already... This is why we can't have nice things around here" Wanda chuckles making me look at her with a soft look on my face 'you think I'm nice?' I sign and Maria just shakes her head lightly like she is giving up "I'm sorry hunny I don't understand sign language but I could read your mind to understand if you let me and are okay with it?" She suggests

'Well as long as you don't read anything else, by all means' Wanda looks at Maria and Nat and Nat looks at Wanda and tells her what I just said making Wanda look back at me with a sweet smile 'she called me hunny haha awe don't blush, don't blush, don't blush, don't blush for your fucking sake y/n!' I see her smile widen knowing she read my mind at the wrong time and I know she heard that and she wasn't supposed to as I thought she was supposed to do something before she reads my mind but not... God fucking damn it, I'm always embarrassing myself without meaning to... Ugh, fuck me...

"I like her already," Wanda says and looks away from me and at the other two women 'oh kill me now' I frown and little showing I'm a little embarrassed and Maria looks confused a little but doesn't question it as she knows I'm easily embarrassed if I do shit by accident and get caught while doing so and I look at Maria with a look of help and she sees it "right training let's go," she says

'Oh thank fuck... I love you Maria' Maria starts walking away as I see Wanda trying not to laugh Nat just looks between me and Wanda but doesn't say anything as she then gestures or me to follow Maria so that's what I do as they both then follow me as I put my hand in my pocket feeling my face heat up... Maybe I should have said no to Wanda?... Yeah, this wasn't a good idea...

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