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(A/N This is a super long one over 3700 words which I normally only do just over 1000 or less but grab a snack and maybe leave some comments on what you would like me to write about in the future, I would love to hear from you all and yeah enjoy, this is sad but has a kinda happy ending and mentions of death xoxo-Lara)

I know what I have to do...

I have to save Nat and Clint...

It has to be me...

I lift my head and see they both have the same look of realisation in their eyes and we all take a moment to figure out what that is "it has to be me" Clint says as Nat looks at him as they both talk as I stand up not listening to them as they blabber on with whatever they are saying and they have their moment

"We all know what it going to happen" I speak up making them both look at me "it's the reason why I came here in the first place" I speak up as they both turn and look at me with a questioning look on their faces "I'm here because I didn't want to see either of you sacrifice yourself" I say knowing that Nat is the one who dies on my world so on this world... I will be the one to play this role

"Wait... You knew... This whole time?" Clint asks making me lift my eyes and look at them both with tears in them "I knew and know everything... Every little detail and every word that had been or is going to be said without me even being there unless it's about me than I have no clue what was or is spoken" I say as they both now understand why I am actually here with them and why I came with them to this place for the soul stone "that's my curse" I finally tell them what my curse is after them asking me for so long...

"Clint... It can't be you... You have a family to look after... Children to raise and a wife to love and take care off" I say and they both know this but I then look at Nat "I can't let you do it either... Someone need to keep the Avengers in place and someone need to help this world change for the better, you're the one for that job Nat plus... Your sister needs you" I tell her but she shakes her head not caring that I know about her sister even if nobody told me about her "then what about you huh?" She asks and I can tell she doesn't like where this is going making me huff but smile looking away

"I have no family here... I'm not even supposed to be here, this isn't my world, universe or reality, and... I can't go through it again..." I start to open up to them after all these years of being closed off to them about my past and with what goes on in my mind "what are you talking about y/n, you're not making sense?" Clint asks and I might as well tell them as I won't be alive after this so here goes nothing...

"I keep seeing how everything plays out over and over again in my head daily, every single second of every single day I see everything and how you all died... I see it all... I'm haunted by it..." I say and their facial expressions change as I speak but I play not attention as I continue to speak my mind for the last and final time and it feels good to finally get this all out in the open "I know how and when it happens so it's only a matter of time... I kept telling myself that I wouldn't let anything happen... And I told myself that I wouldn't let any of you two die on this cliff... You don't deserve this... You deserve better, I can't let it happen" I finally admit what I know and they both frown upon these new words of truth and pain now knowing what I know as they never knew what I knew but now... They finally do

"It has to be me... It is going to be me" I say and I see them both disagree with me "why?" Is all Nat comments making me look at her with sorrow, sadness and pain in my eyes and face and they can see it "because..." They are near the cliff edge so as I speak as I walk closer to them and keep eye contact with them and they watch and listen to my words and actions but I keep my eyes on Nat as I speak to her

"Seeing you laying there at the bottom of that cliff lifeless with blood pouring out of your head... Killed me in more ways than one... I can't go through that heart break again... I won't survive this time around... That's why I came here... I couldn't live with myself knowing I can at least try... I may only have one shot at this... So I'm going to take this chance and I'm going to do my best not to fuck it up" I say and throw my powers at them but they both dodge as I run to the cliff edge but get tackled down on the ground by Clint as Nat runs for the edge but I lift my hand and chain her to the floor so she can't move and she struggles against my powers as they pull her away from the edge making her boots slide back against the floor

Vol. 2 Moments / One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now