Heal her 1

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With my powers being able to heal other people I always do the best I can when I can with what I have but when, Sam, Steve, Nat and I are in the back of a truck after fighting the Winter Soldier and some Hydra agents, we are all cuffed to the floor with guards guarding us and I see the blood on my girlfriend Nats shoulder which makes me lift my head a little to get a better look and see she got shot "if we don't put pressure on that she will bleed out" Sam says also seeing the blood but the guard threatens him with a tazer making me frown and lift my hands but the chain stops me from getting them above my knees making me frown even more but then look up at Nat with a worried expression but she just shows a slight smile trying to give me a bit of reassurance but I can see the pain in her eyes as that's is another one of my abilities to see what people are actually feeling physically, mentally and emotionally and I can see she is in pain...

I could try to heal her without touching her but that takes so much more focus and I have never been able to do that at all yet but I know I can so it but I have never succeeded before but I guess now is a better time than any other so I bow my head and close my eyes focusing on my power to reach her and they have this golden sparkle to them as I feel my eyes turn to there golden orbs so I open my eyes and look at Natasha who is already looking at me with a little frown on her face which is a bit of confusion and curiousness but sees my golden eyes and she shakes her head no meaning don't do it but I want and need to heal her

"Hey! No powers!" I get whacked on the knee and hands harshly with a metal baton as my hands started to show a golden glowing strip with a few little stars or sparkles and I groan as the stinging sensation on my thigh and hands as the guard hits me again "hey stop! Just let her do her thing, she just wants to heal her!" Steve tries to stand up for me but also gets hit by the same guy so I obey and stop using my powers as the strip of golden stars disappears but the last thing I can do at this moment is hide her pain from herself for a few of minutes so I do just that by looking into her eyes and hypnotising her to feel no pain for the next five minutes as that is as long as I can do it for without touching her but once I have done that I turn my head to the man that had hit me still with my golden eyes

Bad move as he lifts his weapon again to hit me seeing my eyes glow and I prepare myself for it but he never hit me but I do hear someone getting hit as I look and see Nat had kicked the weapon out of his hand before it could hit me so my eyes turn back to normal by this point and one of the other guards knocks out the other guard while Steve and Sam just watch this happen not knowing what to do but in the end Nat makes the guard unconscious by kicking him in the head and he falls to the floor by our feet knocked out cold

I also see that the guard that was fighting the Hydra agent was our Agent Hills as she takes the helmet off "ugh, that was squeezing my brain" she says and I look away and down to the guards to see keys... I reach down and grab them and uncuff my hands letting them drop to the floor before looking at Nat and leaning forward so she makes it easier by showing the cuffs I take them off of her and hand the keys to Sam which he takes but then drops making me look at him with a blank expression but he picks them up again trying to act like he didn't just drop his freedom an uncuffs himself and then stands up to help Steve out of his bulky ones and sits down on the side I was on previously

I am now by Nat's side going to help her but I feel a hand on my shoulder making me look to see Maria "not now we need to get you all out of here" she says making me huff worried even more for my girlfriend but Maria hand me a towel so I look back at her "I'm okay... I'll be all right, let's get out of here first" she says making me obey and give her the towel helping her keep pressure on it as Steve finally is out of the cuffs


After Maria took us to see Fury and he tell us how he is doing after finding out he is alive and that he had to fake his death and had to keep it a secret from us that he is alive as he didn't know whom to trust but after that, I place my hand on Nat's good shoulder as she is keeping pressure on the wound so she doesn't bleed out but she knows what I am thinking and saying without actually physically speaking as I mostly speak to her alone as I'm kinda a mute if you haven't noticed by now but anywho she nods meaning I can finally help her as Fury is done talking so I take her away somewhere else so that I can concentrate on her with no distractions

In a room with just the two of us, I help her take her jacket off seeing the bullet hasn't gone through so it is still inside of her shoulder somewhere but she sits down as I had gestured for her to do and I sit down beside her and get a little closer to her as I lift my hands so she removes her own and I remove the towel she was using and see the wound isn't too bad but still pretty bad none the less as it is still bleeding as I expected, she will need rest later on after I have helped her clean up

I focus on Nat as I place both hands on both sides of her shoulder so one over the wound and one on the back of her shoulder making her frown at the pain as I do this but for me to use my powers I have to do skin to skin contact so if you have aids I can't help you unless I do what I tried in the truck or have double gloves with extra protection and take extra precautions and all that's stuff

I feel my eyes glow as the palm of my hands glow too my left hand is over the wound and my right is starting to take away the pain while I do this it makes her turn her head and look at me, this is the first time I have ever had to heal her so I'm guessing she didn't know I could take away the pain while doing this but I focus on the bullet lodged in her flesh and locate it before I feel myself getting a grip on the foreign metal object so I make sure her shoulder is numb for this as I don't want her to feel anything while I pull it out

So I look up at her eyes seeing she is already looking at me so I hypnotize her to feel numb in her shoulder which makes her look at me with this look I've never seen her look at me with before but after that, I look back down and pull my left hand away from her shoulder pulling the bullet out with my hand coming away from her left shoulder and soon enough the bullet comes out

She sees it come out and looks like she just saw a ghost as it is floating mid-air but I drop the bullet into her hand as I put my hand back on her shoulder to heal it as the golden sparkles get absorbed into her skin and mend it with itself and this takes time because if I rush it then it would be a fucked up job so this will take a little time to heal

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