No Touchy 1

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I've never been the one for physical touch but Thor doesn't seem to understand that as he comes over to me and goes to put his arm around my shoulder but I duck down and just crouch to the floor staying there staring at it making everyone look down at me with a confused and baffled look on their faces "err..." Thor looks away from me and around at everyone and I also have trouble with communication... I get too nervous to talk to new people unless I slowly get to know them over time as well as eye contact... I'm a very awkward person... Call it social anxiety if you like but it's even worse than that

Thor walks away like he did nothing so I stand back up but I don't say anything as they all are still looking at me with a questioning look... But I just awkwardly walk away from them and to my room to finish unpacking and I put my headphone on and listen to music while I unpack and I know Fury will be here soon to update them on my situation for me and about me... I do also have powers as he knows me so well and so does Maria Hills but for the time being I just unpack and settle in while humming along to the music

I suddenly jump when I feel a tap on my shoulder making me freak out and turn too fast so I fall on the floor and groan as it hurt my butt but I did manage to pause my music so I look up taking my headphones off and see Natasha looking down at me with an expression that shows she is startled a little by me falling over myself "I did knock but you didn't answer" she says making me look away and stand up wondering what she is here for "oh uhm Fury is here" she informs me so I nod before the silence starts to become awkward as I just stand here quietly but she doesn't seem to feel awkward about it which kinda makes me feel better about it but I just walk around her as she follows me with her eyes before I leave the room so she follows me out of it and closes the door behind her

I then realized that I don't know where they are so I stop walking and stay where I am waiting for Nat to take the lead soon she does so I start walking again and she looks at me but I keep my eyes on the floor "you don't talk much do you?" She asks making me look at her briefly but then back at her seeing again taking a double look to see how beautiful she is in person but I shake my head as she looks away from me and continues to look where she is going and I take a moment but look away from her

We walk into a room with the Avengers, Fury and agent Hills who looks over seeing me and Nat enter the room and smiles softly over at me so I return it 'you settling in well?' she signs over to me 'Thor tried hugging me, Nat tapped my shoulder and I fell over embarrassing myself and I think she figured out I don't speak as much so I think I'm slowly settling in thanks' I reply as I see the Avengers seeing us signing to each other while Fury just waits for to stop as I awkwardly wave at Fury "yes hello to you to y/n" he says before looking away from me and I see Wanda tilt her head at this but I ignore it

"Ah y/n that's your name," Thor says as we all look at him "I wasn't told," he says making me look away as I didn't tell anyone my name as I was hoping Fury or Maria would just tell them about me instead but they forgot Thor... Oh well he knows now "okay anyway this is your recruit as you have been I formed by agent Hills here" Fury starts as I start to look around the room letting the voice of Fury become mumbles and muffled as he tells them about me while I just think about the future as I don't need to know about me as I know myself pretty well

I wonder if anyone else here knows sign language so they can at least understand me so I also don't have to write everything down and my mind just wanders off to other places as I think about the new teammates whom I have met and I kinda like them and have a good feeling about this team, for the most part anyway I just hope that the team will like me back that is all I can hope for at this moment

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