You're Me

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(A/n figured y'all might want a longer one then the others so here I what I got from a film but changed up a bit xoxo-Lara)

It went wrong the time travel so me, Wanda and Nat are stuck in 2010 until we can't get back on track but we had a few misshaps happen along the way I've been shot in the lower torso but it went straight through which is a good thing but I was giving directions to Natasha to drive us in car we may have stolen but we are going somewhere we can lay low I know this place and I know who will be in there

"If you see a kid... Don't be alarmed, although they might be but... Let me deal with them" I inform both of them and I don't seem to question it so we all walk up to the house and I walk I got to the garage it had a special way of open it as I remember so I couch down and bash the side of the door making it pop open so we can walk in and I have a feeling that we are being watch and I know who it is but I don't bother looking around

Once we are in I go into the kitchen and open the fridge for some water and that's what I grab and I close the door of the fridge but it opens again by itself and I knew it was going to happen as when I turned around I use my heel to kick it close properly as Nat and Wanda are looking around making sure the place is empty and secure but I know there is a kid around here somewhere it's only a matter of time until we find them or they find us

"Where are we, Marvel?" Wanda asks as I grab a kitchen towel and soak it with water before pressing it up against the bullet wound making me frown and bite my tongue breathing in sharply before exhaling heavily and they don't know my name as I never told them so instead they call me Marvel as it is my superhero name and I do have a mask on so they can't find out who I am "just somewhere we can relax for a while, have you found the kid yet?" I change subject and I see Nat walk into the room and see me putting pressure on my wound "no but how do you know this place and that their is a child around here somewhere?" I don't bother answering the questions as I know time will tell then all the answers they need

"Who are you?" A little girls voice makes us all turn our heads and see her standing there in the door frame "uhh, Marvel" Wanda questions as I start to walk over to the girl and she takes a step back and sees me bleeding and go to run away "wait y/n!" I shout making her stop where she is and turn back around looking at me "how do you know my name?" She asks and stays where she is and I knew I would have to tell them all about this so I look at Wanda and Nat who seem to be questioning me non verbally so I look back at the girl who has a dog behind her which is a golden retriever

"You're y/n y/l/n born on the y/b/d (your bithday date) my mother and father are y/p/n's (your parents names) and your mother died last year and your father is now a alcoholic but he still cares for you even of he doesn't show it" the dog starts barking at us but I continue walking closer to the girl in her PJ's "you can't play sport because of an acute asthmatic condition plus your freakishly small for a 12 year old, you go to y/s/n (your school name) middle school where you have been suspended two maybe three times for fighting which is ironic because you can't fight to save your life" I tell her and we both can't take the dogs barking no more so we both turn our heads and look at the dog

"Y/d/n (dogs name) zip it!" We both shout at the dog at the same time making the dog shut up and lay down which makes the girl slowly turn her back back to me so I look back at her "how do you know my dog's name?" She asks as I'm already in front of her and I look her dead in her eyes even if she can't see them she knows I'm looking dead at her in her eyes "because I named them" I tell her and she slowly start to fall backwards not intentionally "where you going?" I say as I grab her shirt and pull her back up to her feet steading her as she starts to have trouble breath which makes me realize what is happening

"Oh god" I say and crouch down onto my knees and take her asthma pump out of her pocket where I knew it was at and take the cap off and shake it "alright here, ready?" I say and I put the pump in her mouth and pump it "hold it" I say and I take the pump away and put the lid back on as I count "three, two, one" I say and put the pump back in her pocket as she breaths out so I pat her shoulders

"Everybody gets a trophy" I say standing back up holding my side again with the towel and go to walk away but she speaks up "when I was seven, I ran into a table on the patio I got twelve stitches" she pauses and we both lift our hand and point to under our chins "right here" we both says and lower our hands again and she looks down at me

"You knew how to open my dad's garage, you know how to close the fridge, you know how to time my breathing, we have the same scar..." I knew she was smart an not to underestimate her "and... You're wearing my dad's watch" she says looking at my left wrist so we both lift our left wrists and show the watch "this watch" she says and I slowly nod "this watch" I confirm and we both the lower our hands as the look of realisation comes up on her face

"You're me..." She says and I don't do anything which confirms it is true "holy shi-" "yes... I was... Once" I cut her off and then take a moment of silence before she walks back over to me so I crouch back down to her as I know she need more than just words of a stranger to her so she lifts both hands up to my mask and grabs it and I don't stop her as she lifts my mask off and looks me and her eyes widen and she stumbles back seeing that I am infact an older version of herself "y/n?" She questions and I nod "yes" I answer as she looks away and down at the mask before handing it back to me so I take it

"Who are they?" Younger me asks looking towards Nat and Wanda who was watching this all unravel in front of them "don't worry you can trust them" I reassure her so she looks back at me "what happened to you?" I knew I was always so curious and questioned everything when I was younger so I stand up "your find out one day" I tell her before walking away leaving my mask on a kitchen counter as I walk down the hall still hold the towel in place and I get to a bathroom knowing my dad won't be home for weeks so we have time to recover alittle and all that but once I am in the bathroom I open a cabinet and see a first aid kit so I grab it and put it on the side next to the sink

"You're cute as a kid" I hear Natasha's voice come from behind me as I barely look over my shoulder adgenowleging her presence "hmm" I hum as a response as I remove the towel from my side and hold my breath as it hurt when I took it off but I breath out as I throw the towel in the sink that is covered in my blood and so is my shirt but I lift it up and see the damage and see it is worser than I thought

I see Nat is now by my side and I feel her hand on my shoulder so I look up through the mirror and see her looking down at my stomach "let me help" she says before she turns me around and look up at me finally seeing my face for the first time

Vol. 2 Moments / One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now