Steve, Laptop

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"Steve, can I borrow your laptop? mines dead at the moment" I ask as I need to send a mission report to Maria before the end of the day and Steve who is in the lounge with everyone else turns his head to look over at me "yeah it is on the table over there" he gestures his head with a little nod in a direction so I look and see his laptop on the table near the kitchen so I walk over to it as I speak "oh yeah, thanks" I say as I get to it and open it "WAIT!" he says with a panicked tone but it was too late I had already opened it and seen what is on the open tab making me pull this shocked "oh my god!" I say looking at the screen full of porn websites so I then look over at him seeing he had stood up when he shouted and managed to get halfway across the room and everyone else is looking over at us wondering what is going on and why Steve look so worried and all that

"Steve... Do yourself a favour and get a bloody girlfriend," I say and I think everyone else was starting to understand what I have just found on his device, his face turns red and I'm not surprised after what I just saw so I look back at the laptop and frown at the sites my eyes are seeing... Oh dear lord... "I've never even heard of any of this stuff but now I've seen it all..." I say and I close the laptop and take a moment for myself

"Welp... If you will excuse me I have to go and clean my eyes out with bleach." I say as I see Tony shake his head a little while Nat smiles at the whole thing and everyone else just tries to act like they weren't listening but we all know everyone knows what just happened and Steve comes over and takes his laptop away and walks down the hall possibly to his room to drown in embarrassment for the rest of the day but I make one final comment "I will never think of a spit roast the same way again" I say making most people laugh apart from Steve as he just starts walking down the hall faster to his room

"Oh my god" I hear Nat whisper to herself and Wanda tries not to laugh but fails as everyone else does too "my poor innocent virgin eyes" I say to myself but I think they heard me too as this makes Clint chuckle while Tony sign like he has given up on life whike Thor and Bruce try to mind there own business but also share a look with each other trying not to smile

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