28 | good guys

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chapter twenty-eight
"suddenly nothing is as it was.
where are you now, orpheus?"

Time felt slow and warped for Bellamy as he began to accept their defeat

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Time felt slow and warped for Bellamy as he began to accept their defeat.

The Grounder army was completely gone.

Jasper recommended they go see Dante to see if he would help them in any way. Maya told them through shaky breaths that he was in the quarantine ward.

So they suited Maya up in a hazmat suit, since all radiation would spread everywhere except level 5, and began to head that way.

But there was a banging sound outside the mountain at the intake door.

Was that knocking?

Bellamy convinced the others that they should open it.

His last shred of hope lied in the hope that some of his people were still outside of the mountain, ready to fight.

Bellamy opened it cautiously, gun aimed and ready.

But he didn't expect to see only two people outside the door.

He lowered his gun immediately, realizing it was Octavia, war paint smeared over eyes, sword at the ready.

"Bellamy." She breathed, running towards him.

Despite their eminent defeat, relief saturated every bone in his body as he pulled his little sister into a hug. She was here, safe and alive.

Bellamy looked behind Octavia and met Clarke's gaze.

They were both relieved to see the other alive.

Maybe they had a slim chance to pull this off.

Jasper and Monty emerged from the doorway, seeing as it was safe.

Octavia jumped from Bellamy's arms, pulling the two into hugs, "I knew it. You two are too scrawny to drill."

Bellamy knew she was teasing and making light of the situation, but Evelynn's drill wounds were still engrained on his brain. And Monty was drilled. He wouldn't let it show, but Bellamy knew it probably hurt to be reminded of.

Maya then rounded the corner, breathing hard under her hazmat suit.

Bellamy felt so guilty for the shear fact that she was still with them. They got her dad killed, and now if she went anywhere else, she would get killed too.

And yet she still wanted to help.

Octavia seemed to jump at Maya, starting to grab her sword.

Jasper held his arm out, "It's all right. She's with us."

Bellamy turned to Clarke, pulling her away from the others reunion, "Where's your army?"

"Gone just like yours," Clarke told him, "Say you have a plan."

𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 ☆ bellamy blake ²Where stories live. Discover now