2 | ghost town

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chapter two
"and if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones."

The world was a whirlwind of green and brown, tall trees passing in a blur

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The world was a whirlwind of green and brown, tall trees passing in a blur.

Bellamy couldn't even feel his feet anymore as they pounded on the uneven dirt, adrenaline rushing through his system.

He held a spear in his hand in defense, his nerves heightened. He stopped dead in his tracks as he heard a sound from behind him.


He turned with his spear at the ready to see Sterling and Monroe standing, watching him curiously.

"Get back down!" Bellamy ordered as they ducked worriedly back behind a fallen tree.

"You were followed?" Monroe asked, but she was quickly shut down as Bellamy hissed, "Quiet."

He peered over the fallen tree, checking their surroundings before crouching down with the other two, "Have you seen Finn?"

"Finn's alive?" Sterling asked.

"He was. We got separated." Bellamy told them, "We knew the fire was coming, so we ran, but one of them followed."

Monroe and Sterling simultaneously peeked over the tree to check for the Grounder. Bellamy narrowed his eyes curiously at them, "How'd you guys get out?"

"We we saw the Ark come down. We thought we'd come get help." Sterling informed him, "Piece of it came down this way. Monroe thinks it's Mecha, but personally, I think—"

Sterling cut his own ramble off when they all heard the sound of a horse whine in front of them.

"Follow me." Bellamy told them as he began to inch towards the sound, "Stay low and quiet."

They tiptoed through the trees to find a clearing with a Grounder riding a horse with two prisoners tied up and trailing behind.

Bellamy instantly recognized Finn, his face was covered in grime and blood. Bellamy figured his own face probably didn't look any better.

The boy that was captive with him stumbled to the ground and didn't bother getting back up.

"On your feet," The Grounder ordered with very little patience.

"I can't," The boy cried, unmoving.

Finn went over to him, trying as hard as he could with his bound hands to help the kid up.

𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 ☆ bellamy blake ²Where stories live. Discover now