29 | the trolley problem

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chapter twenty-nine
"no one was saved. all the lonely people."

"I told you," Dante told the group as they rounded another empty corridor, "there's no one here

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"I told you," Dante told the group as they rounded another empty corridor, "there's no one here."

Bellamy rolled his eyes, "Sorry if we don't take your word for it."

They made it to the command center, and Monty began hacking into the lock.

Clarke looked to Dante, "Why aren't you with your people on level five?"

"After what I've done, they can be free—I can't. Deliverance comes at a cost." He said, "I bear it so they don't have to."

Clarke seemed to take a minute to digest that. Bellamy did too, but his conclusion seemed to be different than hers, "It wasn't Cage. It was your idea to make the deal with the Grounders."

Dante nodded.

Smart. Asshole move. But for the survival of his people longterm, smart.

There was a click of the lock, and Monty told them, "We're in. Got it."

Bellamy opened the door first, gun held tight.

The room was empty.

"It's clear. He's telling the truth."

Clarke followed him in, "Let's get the monitors up."

"Roger that." Monty said, quickly taking over the control panels.

What would they do without Monty's little genius brain?

Bellamy leaned on one of the tables as the group watched Monty type away.

Clarke came over and stood next to Bellamy, filling the silence, "Did you find Evelynn?"

A second of peace seemed to pass over the two, talking about a person so important to both of them. Bellamy nearly smiled, "Yeah, I did. I did."

He paused, his happiness quickly shifted as he fell into deeper thought about her, "I swear if Cage drills her again, I—"

Monty didn't stop from typing, "I don't think Cage has her,"

Bellamy cocked his head, "Vincent said she was on level three with you and some of her friends. Didn't she get taken with them?"

"No," Monty paused typing for a second, turning back to Bellamy with a solemn look, "She never made it to Mrs. Ryan's. Nadiya and Fox said she was helping a friend who was hurt and she never came back."

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