20 | how to get to hell

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chapter twenty
"soldier keep on marchin' on.
head down 'til the work is done."

Lincoln knelt down and cut into a dead animal near a tree stump

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Lincoln knelt down and cut into a dead animal near a tree stump. He grabbed some of the blood and spread it around his face and body, trying to look like his Reaper self.

Bellamy knelt beside him, "Okay, so we make it to the intake door without any of the real reapers seeing us, what happens then?"

"I kill everyone and you slip inside." Lincoln told him expressionlessly. He gestured to the packet on Bellamy's pack, "Limestone."

Bellamy passed Lincoln the packet and watched Lincoln rub the limestone on his face. Three fingers trailed over his eyes.

Bellamy could tell it was hard for Lincoln to put himself back in the mindset of his Realer alter ego. But, Lincoln pressed on, "Let's go, we got a lot of ground to cover before dark."

The two headed into the thick of the forest in silence, but Bellamy was still deeply uneasy about the plan.

"Hey, I need to know what happens beyond the intake door."

Lincoln sighed, "They remove your clothes, blast you with warm water and douse you with something that burns even worse. Then we were sorted, the other were tagged Harvest I was tagged Cerberus and turned into a reaper."

"Cerberus, the three-headed dog who guards the underworld." Bellamy stated with a half smile. The Reapers were the three-headed dog and Mount Weather was the underworld. That made sense. He clarified, "My mom read mythology to us all the time, Octavia loved it."

Bellamy softened a bit, taking about his sister, "You're good for her, you made her strong."

Lincoln shook his head, "She was already strong."

Bellamy slowed his walk, "Hey, I need to ask you something."

Lincoln turned. "You protected my sister before you even knew her, why?"

"When I was a boy, I saw a ship fall from the sky like Raven's. The man inside was hurt, his body broken, I couldn't get him out."

"Suicide by Earth," Bellamy recognized, "I heard the stories in the Guard I just didn't know they were true."

Lincoln continued, "I brought him food, water. I couldn't speak the enemies language yet so I couldn't understand him but I wanted to. So on the third day, I told my father. He made me kill him. The war's been trying to turn me into a monster for as long as I can remember."

Bellamy sympathized but Lincoln shook his head, "Let's keep moving."

"Wait, parking garage where we found you is north, that way." Bellamy nodded back through a different patch of trees.

"There's a mine entrance closer to where the reapers end." Lincoln told him, "We go into the underworld when we have to, not before."

The day droned on like that until the cloud broke and the sun was high in the sky.

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