Chapter 14

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The next morning we all woke up and Calum and Michael went out for breakfast.

Me and Luke stayed at the hotel room, so I figured since we'd been M.I.A since landing, we might as well update everyone.

I pulled out my phone and got on keek.

"Hi everybody." I smiled, "So, it's the next day and we all are about to go to the full dress rehearsal in about half an hour and Luke is here."

I pointed the camera over a bit so it included me and Luke.

He had the blanket tucked around him and it made him look like a mermaid for some reason.

The video included random things like, "No one wants to hug you Luke. No one! No one!" I yelled dramatically as I pushed the camera closer to him and then out again.

"You look like a mermaid." I laughed as Luke started to flail his 'tail' as we both laughed and with that the video ended.

We didn't do much for the while we were at the hotel.

Just talked about Sam for awhile, got changed, ate breakfast, and then got in a car to go to the rehearsal.


Once we got  the venue I called Calum.

Almost as immediately as the phone started to ring, he answered.

That's what I loved about Calum is that he answered his phone anytime of day and is always up for an adventure.

"Hey Ashton."

"Hey Calum. Are you guys at the rehearsal?"

"Yeah we're backstage getting everything laid out."

"Where the hell do we go? We're at the back entrance."

And after that he gave me directions and not too much later we were all at the same place.

"Aye look who finally showed up." Michael said as he stood up from the chair he was in.

"What were you doing?" Luke asked as we noticed they were both done up.

Hair was done.

They changed into their stage clothes.

Me and Luke were clearly behind.

The stylist called me over as Luke went to go get changed.

Calum came over, "Alright, so we're running through our setlist and going through everything for tomorrow alright?"

"Alright." I nodded.

"Don't move please." The stylist said as I apologized.

"That's Lou by the way." Calum said as she smiled a hello.

"Alright, well I'm going to go warm up and get my bass. So, later." He said as he left.

"Listen, I wasn't going to say anything, but you have a lot of courage coming here." Lou said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well, I was doing some research on you guys and I found the stuff about your girlfriend and I'm really sorry..."

"It's okay...I um, I'm getting through."

"Well, if you ever need anything I'm always here. I don't just do hair." She smiled.

I smiled back, "Thank you."

She finished my hair and left as I headed off to wardrobe.

I quickly found my Weekend Warriors shirt,some jeans, and some sneakers before heading off onto the giant stage.

This was bigger than anything I had ever played on before and it was something I wasn't going to take for granted.

I walked over to my drums that were set up and sat on the bench.

Nobody else was out yet, so I had a moment to myself.

She would've loved this.

I looked out over the drums to the entire arena and looked at the front row, where for a moment I could have sworn I saw her standing there, leaning on the bar with the adorable smile as she watched me.

That's what I wanted so desperately to see.

Calum and Michael snapped me from my thoughts and daydreaming as they awed over the place just as I had silently done.

"This place is like every single place we've ever played combined!" Michael yelled out.

They both ran about the stage as Luke finally came out.

"Alright boys, let get to work. We don't have much time." he said immediately.

Everyone grabbed their instruments as we kicked off with Heartbreak Girl and I couldn't deny myself the pleasure of imagining she was there.


Concert time.

We all changed, got hair done, got our instruments hooked up, got our ear pieces in and even with them in we could hear the crowd.

We all headed to side stage where we were set to walk out in less than 5 minutes.

We all sang a bit, I air drummed, and finally it was time.

We walked out on stage and the crowd cheered.


I felt my eardrums rattle.

I loved this.

We all walked out and got situated as Luke started us off.

"Hello everyone. We are 5 Seconds Of Summer." He said as the crowd clapped and cheered.

Granted we were only the opening act, but these people were loud!

"My name is Luke Hemmings and I am a singer and guitarist in this band, and next for introductions I'm going to pass it off to Mr. Michael Clifford here." He smiled pointing over to Michael.

Michael stepped up to the mic.

"Way to steal basically half my introduction Hemmings." He laughed.

"Alright, alright, well I'm Michael Clifford. I play guitar and sing in this amazing punk rock band we call Five Seconds of Summer and I think you're all looking very beautiful tonight!"  He says and yells the last part as the crowd screams.

"Alright Mr.Hood, how you feeling tonight?" Michael asked looking over to Calum.

Calum stepped up to the Mic, "I'm feeling good Mr.Clifford. Hello everyone, my name is Calum Hood and I play bass and sing in this lovely band before you. Tonight is going to be an amazing show and thank you all for coming! Next up we have..." He paused dramatically, "Mr. Ashton Irwin." He whispers dramatically into the Mic.

I sit myself closer to my Mic and laugh, "why hello everyone!"

"My name is Ashton Irwin and I play drums and sometimes sing in this amazing group of musicians. You all look beautiful and amazing tonight and it's going to be an amazing show!"

"Just don't tell his girlfriend cause he will not be too happy." Michael chimed in.

"I love her very much Mr.Clifford but if she were here she'd call them call beautiful too." I argued back as the crowd awed.

We all laughed and I started us off, "Alright enough sentiment let's get this started!" I yelled.

"1,2,1,2,3,4!!!" I counted and yelled as I pounded the first few notes of Heartbreak Girl on my drums and looked to the front.

And sure enough, there she was.




And dancing while singing along to our music.

If only it was real.

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