Chapter 25

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I couldn't help but feel extremely guilty for even believing I could have feelings for the drummer.

For wearing a shirt that made me think of another man's laugh, his hair, his scent.

But the only problem is I couldn't figure out who he was.

I saw things that reminded me of this person but I could never make out who this person could be.

It felt like there was a hole in my brain when is came to this person.

It frustrated me, it puzzled me, it made me upset, but I couldn't tell anyone except for one person who I trusted more than anyone.

He visited me everyday and came in whenever he could.


A knock came to my door as it often did as I replied with a polite, "Come in."

James walked in with two coffee's in hand and a smile on his face like he always seemed to.

"Good morning gorgeous." He smiled and walked over to me and handed me a coffee just the way I liked it.

I smiled, "Morning."

"How are you feeling?" He asked and sat in the chair next to my hospital bed.

"I feel good." I smiled happily, "I'm able to walk a little bit now and it's fantastic, sure I need help getting up so I don't break myself but it's getting up all the same."

"That's good. You seem happy about that and I am happy for you." He said as we both took sips of our coffee.

"Oh my God, I love you." I laughed after I swallowed my perfect tasting coffee.

"Oh really? Why is that?" He asked.

"Because you're the only one who brings me what I want and actually listens to me. I ask for coffee and they get me sweetened water, I ask for sprite and they give me water, I ask for a single blanket and they freak out and give me seven." I explained.

He laughed, "Am I the best guy in the world or what?"

"You're the best guy in the world." I smiled as he nodded his head, "Hell yeah I am."

I laughed softly and then drank some more of my coffee before putting it on the table next to me, "James...can I ask you something?"

"Yeah anything." He said, "But if you want to ask me out darling I'd accept very fast despite Ash-Luke kicking my ass."


I didn't bother to ask.

"So...this is going to make me sound crazy but I keep thinking about a guy and the only problem is that it's not Luke and I have no idea who it is. I hear his laugh, I smell his scent on shirts, I feel like I'm with him sometimes, I just can't picture who it is and its killing me and I can't tell anyone but I knew you'd try and help me instead of judging me."

"Do you think you'd recognize the laugh if you heard it or the scent if you smelled it?" He asked me.

Would I be able to?


But I wasn't sure.

"I think so..?" I answered as James stood up.

"We're going to go out today and you are going to make a lot of memories." He said with his smile before getting up.

"That didn't answer my question..." I said as he started to head for the door with his coffee in hand, "Where are you going?"

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