Chapter 12:Heartbreaks in drama

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There was only few months left for graduation. Not that I was gonna miss school or anything but another obstacle was in front of me.



Few days earlier Damien got a farewell party which somehow by his looks I found out he didn't like it. Not like I-dont-want-to-leave-you-guys one but like this-is-some-kind-of-bullshit sort of. He was leaving again. This time he is going Miami. I don't know why. I didn't ask him.

Many girls in our school cried that he was going, many guys...... didn't give a fuck except for those trying for football scholarships.

We had a fight last night during our date, over late night call and yeah, early morning calls. From a conversation I found out he wasn't 20 years old, he was fucking 27 and he says it isn't a big deal. It is. For a 18 year old it is. We fought over that topic and also about these days not spending time with me. Yeah, I was being a nasty boyfriend but hey! Who said I was gonna change myself into a fairy when I start to date. A man on top of that.

" Can we skip that part please? I don't wanna get irritated when I am going away, Ethan. Especially not with you." he sighed over the phone.

" Whatever. You are just going Miami not to visit the Queen of England." I snapped. Yeah, we were having a fight till now.

" Whats up with you Ethan? I told you I am sorry okay. I just wanted to sound young to you when I saw you so yeah, I blurted out the wrong number." He said annoyed.

" Look, I don't wanna talk to you right now. Go have fun or whatever. I have homework to do." I said tapping my pencil on my physics book.

" Fine."

" Yeah... fine."

" Bye, Ethan. I'll call you." he said which sounded like a mutter.

" Don't bother." I mumbled and cut the call.

I threw my pencil on the bed and laid down thinking when did my life get so complicated. When did I became someone who fought with their lover every fucking second. I sighed.

I still love him.

But I doubt if he does.


" I did at the Franklin, Houston and California one. I don't remember." Jenna said looking at notes which she had prepared for the test. I was bothering her with questions. We were in the cafeteria, it was lunch and very rare of us to stay in cafeteria.

" I wanna try for chemistry.... or management or business." I said chewing on my apple.

Jenna was scribbling something in her notebook nodding at my words.

" You are listening right?" I asked her to which she looked at me and dropped down her pen.

" Okay, what the fuck is going on?" she asked staring at me.

" Nothing..." I said with a shrug.

There was a silence for a while then she got back to what she was doing.

" Try New York ones.." she mumbled as she resumed writing on her notebook.

" New York.." I mumbled.

I threw the apple on the trash bin.

" Yeah..." she drawled as she scribbled again.

" What the hell are you writing?" I asked peeking at her book.

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