Chapter 3 - Another Name of Karma is Drama

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My grades were going down and making me go crazy. My dad was going to kill me and eat me for dinner. Damian was gone so it was a relief to me. Though I find myself looking for him which annoyed me afterwards. Everybody had known about Damian going to England for a match. So gym classes were free now. I was bored since nothing was new and Jenna got mild fever  and skipped today’s class. So I decided to meet her after school.

The theme for the prom was decided and it was Romeo and Juliet. Typical. Everybody was excited and asking their crushes for the prom. I probably will stay at home and eat deep fried chicken, maybe invite Jenna too.

“ Hey faggot.” Called the high and mighty, Matthew Sanders. I mentally rolled my eyes. I tried too walk away but he caught my shoulder and slammed me against the wall.

“ What the fuck?” I shouted. He pointed at his head. “ See this!” he said. There were stitches like 4 to 5. I gulped.

“ Stitches, fucking 6 stitches, you motherfucker. I am gonna beat you to a pulp for this, you know.” He snarled.

“ Like you did last time.” I sneered at him. He caught my collar and brought my face near to his.

“ You are gonna regret you were ever born.” He growled as he curled his fist to throw a punch at me.

“ Not gonna happen today buddy.” I said as I dodged his punch by ducking down. He had left my collar so I was free to move. I kicked at his knee swiftly which made him fall down on the ground. I jumped on him and punched his sorry-ass face as much as i could. Before I knew, he had thrown me to the ground. My back hurt. He got up huffing and pulled my leg and slammed it on the locker. I won’t lie, it felt like shit.

“ Damn you.” I muttered as I kicked him in the gut with my free leg. He was dashed on the wall. Before he could regain his strength to get up. I slammed myself on him, making both of us hurl through the huge glass window and down on the dry lawn. I groaned in pain so was Mathew Sanders.

“Mr. Sanders, Mr. Salt. I want you two in my office right now.” Said Ms. Knight, principal of our school who happens to be reading a book on the nearby bench, fuming like an erupting volcano.


“ You are seniors, how could you behave like that?” Ms. Knight scolded the two badly bruised boys sitting (very far from each other) on the opposite seat.  We both were glaring on the floor holding a cloth to stop the bleeding. She sighed as she wrote something on the paper.

“ You two have to pay heavily for the window, you do know that right?” she said glaring at us.

“ He was the one!!! Not me. I was thrown down okay and my back hurts like hell because of this little runt.” Matthew shouted. She looked at me as if waiting for a next accusation. I stared at her in a terribly long silence. I shrugged and said, “ It wasn’t my intention.”

“ Mr. Salt and Mr. Sanders! You have to stop behaving like kindergarten kids.” She said firmly.

“ Well sorry to interrupt Ms. Knight. But kindergarten kids don’t hurl themselves down the window from a three stored building.” I said with a smile. Matthew snickered silently.

“ ENOUGH!” Ms. Knight roared and got up. Uh-oh!

“ You two are getting suspended for one week and also paying the school authorities for the damage you have done.”  She said as we groaned with frustration.

“ You may leave now.” She said placing herself back in the seat.

Outside the office we stood with slips in our hands. “ Nice work, asshole.” He muttered.

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