Chapter 6: Bring on the Drama Pt. 1

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The morning was bright the next day. I felt as if this was the new beginning. Of my life. I was dating. Actually dating and on top of that it’s a guy! There was a faint denial in my mind but the sheer happiness made it bury deep inside my mind. This guy came, saw and conquered. I did not know how. I still didn’t want to believe I was gay. It was just I was attracted to him and no one else. Maybe I was Damian sexual. Of course, that is something I don’t want to admit in front of him. Never in my life.  I sighed like a melodramatic actor as I as I daydreamed about Damian and me in class. We were working it out for about two weeks and I tell you, its stressful but at the same time exciting. The behaviour between us hasn’t changed. It’s the same Damian, it’s the same me but there is a lot of kissing and cuddling now. We aren’t out for my sake. Damian doesn’t mind, he’s cool with it.

But seriously I need time and a little bit of space. Coming out like wasn’t going to help at all. I couldn’t just say ‘Hey everybody, how’s it going? Oh! FYI, I am gay and dating a star football player like as if anybody is gonna care. Oh, you do. Well, then fuck you’. I know eventually it’s gonna bite me in my ass. Hard.

I dragged myself at my locker and started stuffing the books with no care. All I heard was clicking of heels and a smell of very expensive, I hope, perfume. I looked beside me and saw a lady looking around blindly as if searching something. She stopped and looked at me. I realized I was staring at her. I looked away and walked quietly.

“ Excuse me.” She chirped. I turned back and saw her beckoning me like crazily. I slowly walked towards her and said, “Is there anything you want help with?”

“ Yes, you see I am looking for Damian Steel. I heard he was working here for a while replacing his father.” She said with a worried tone. I raised my eyebrows. I looked around to answer the question I did not wanted to.

“ Maybe in the staff room.” I answered at last. She grinned like a child with an icecream and tugged my jumper.

“ Could you show me the way...umm?” She paused.

“ Ethan.” I said.

“ Yes Ethan could you show me the way? Please? Pretty please.” She pleaded. I shrugged and nodded.

Now I was getting curious. This girl must know him like the back of her hand. She looked confident so a pshyco crazy stalking fan was out of the question. She had a charm of her own from the way she was walking and the look in her eyes was making me nervous as hell. She wore a nice printed blouse of blue color and skin tight jeans with heels clacking away to glory. Her hair was dark brown with a shiny texture. And makeup on her face was suitable. She held a very expensive leather bad in her nicely manicured hand and a nice Rolex watch.  She looked like an actress. She looked like a Goddess.

“ So you know Dam- I mean Mr. Steel??” I asked. She shrugged. “ yeah.” Was her reply.

“ If you don’t mind what are you to him?” I asked with a tinge of jealousy.

“ Well, Damian and I-..”

“ Diana?” chirped in a new voice. We both looked up to see Damian shocked with all the paper scattered on the floor which made me mentally roll my eyes.

Diana laughed and ran to him while I stared at her running in slow motion like a heroine in a movie. Damian caught her with a smile and swung her round and round. My mouth open-wide in a shock state. They laughed and giggled like children and was asking each other questions instantly. After a minute and a half they finally noticed me.

“ Oh Damian, he helped me find you. That’s so sweet of him. Thanks, Edgar!” she said.

“ Ethan. And you are?” I asked her rather annoyingly.

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