Chapter 8: No Drama No Love

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The meeting of my dad and Damian was really scary but nothing too violent actually. I mean, my dad was his fan. What wrong could happen?

I yawned as I walked through the main hall of the school. I leaned on my locker and sighed. I was tired. Dad wouldn't leave Damian alone whole night. He made him sign his football, shirts, favourite novels, underwears... I couldn't sleep with dad screaming to the whole neighbourhood that he met Damian Stone.

" What's up, amigo?" Jenna greeted. I looked at her and saw that she was carrying a bunch of poster in her hand.

" What's that?" I asked suppressing a yawn.

She shrugged and said, " Prom posters with themes, venues, timing and stupid fucks."

" Prom?"

" Yeah, next Saturday. A guy from the school band asked me out. Whom are you taking?" she said.

" I don't know. Don't wanna go." I said rubbing my eyes. I was too tired to handle this shit.

" Damian not going with you." she asked making all my weariness go.

" Fuck.. how did you know?" I asked gripping my locker.

" He told me, actually he threatened me. Not to kiss you or even look at you in 'that' way."

" Wha- when did that fucker even told you that?" I asked.

" Last month, when school was just starting. He was kinda serious when he said that." she said sticking the poster on the wall near the lockers.

" You never said a word about it. To me actually." I said.

" That was what he wanted... I am good with my promises." She said sticking another poster next to the notice board.

" And you are not my type. I mean, no offense, but you are too gayish.... to me" she said moving on.

" Flattering." I grumbled sarcastically.

The bell rang and I pulled my bag from the floor and waited for Jenny to finish her work. After that we went to attend our first class. Which was as boring as hell...

During the break, Damian called me telling me he was in New York and he was coming that weekend. We talked for a while and I went for my gym classes which was of course free.

I was sitting on the bleachers with Jenny while the rest of the class were talking about the prom. I sighed. I was in a relationship and I wasn't going to a prom. Which kind of sucked.

Jenny afterwards went with the guy she was going to prom. I was seriously lonely. Mathews was not bothering me since he was busy trying to be the Prom king. I literally rolled my eyes at that.

Everybody was doing something or the other. I was sulking cause my so called boyfriend was out getting worked hard and dirty.

I was in the cafeteria that the clicking of the heels was making me groan with frustration.

" Edgar... may I have a talk with you?" she snarled at me. I dropped my sandwich on the plate and looked at her nonchalantly.

" Sure, Sister..' I replied to Diana. She turned back telling me to follow her somewhere. I was wishing Damian was there with me. I was not liking his sister's company.

She took me to the bleachers near the football field. She stopped and sighed taking off her overly expensive branded shades and putting them on her hair.

" Look, I don't like you. in fact I loathe you. Damian is all over you which is kind of frustrating and making him understand that you are not the one for him is impossible. So here I am having a talk with you. leave him. Tell me your amount, I am ready to give it to you." she said.

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