Chapter 7- Bring on the Drama Pt. 2

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I was pissed. Period.

Try being gay. You would know the feeling. And right now I am pissed off at the seriously, weirdly getting lovey dovey siblings. While I try to enjoy my stupid lamb. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid freaking lamb!!

I glared at them as I chewed on the meat which had no taste or salt. Who was the chef?? Some Ape man?? Just burn it to death and let the others chew it. I rolled my eyes as Damian gave a small tomato from his plate as Diana pleaded to give it to him. When did the night became Sibling loving night?? Oh I nearly forgot the little bitch is horny after him.

" Is something wrong with your meat, Edgar?" she asked pointing her fork at me.

I glared at her and said, " It's Ethan and my meat is fine, Thank you."

" I am sorry for mistaking your name like that. it's kind of not a catchy name." She said as she continued eating her little salad.

" Diana-.." Damian began but I had enough. I bear it for two hours and now it's freaking enough. I got up and threw that lap napkin on the table and walked out of the restaurant in my way. Not a five star restaurant rich spoilt brat way.

Fuck tuxedo! Fuck relationship!

What was I thinking? When did I turn so........ gayish??!

I muttered as I walked really quickly towards the stupid huge gate of the restaurant.

I can't believe I was out there trying to have relationship. I sighed as I walked down the road which was kind of deserted. My phone vibrated and my first guess was Damian but it was dad. I opened my phone and grumbled, " What?"

" Ethan, where are you?" he asked.

" Don't worry I am coming home." I said to him quickly. He was shuffling some things which indicated he was in the kitchen.

" I need you home right now I have some work outside, come home right now Cecily is alone."

" Work outside? You got a job!" I exclaimed.

" Yeah uhh.. night..shift. Cecily is alone and I have microwaved the meatballs and some mashed potatoes. Ethan be home okay?" he said as he hurried off. I rolled my eyes and put off my phone.

The next thing I remember is roar of engine, screeching tires burning and flash of headlights. I looked at the road to see Damian's car stopped right beside me.

" Go away." I said as I walked forward. I had only walked for ten seconds that he grabbed me by the back collar and pulled me towards him. I swung my fist towards him but he dodged it easily and grabbed my waist. " For godsake Ethan, get in the car" He shouted as he shoved me inside the car. I crossed my arm and uttered quietly as he got in the car.

The car started and went towards the direction of my house. Fucking stalker!

"Stop the car, asswipe!" I muttered.

" Ethan, stop acting childishly." He growled as I refused to talk with him.

" I said stop the car and let me out." I growled back but he was a stubborn ass.


" I am sorry, she mocked you. she has been very...... intimidating even when she was little. I am sorry, seriously." He said as he drove without looking at me.

" You don't have to be sorry. No one has to be sorry here. Just I don't like your 'sister' from now onwards." I said.

" Okay why are you air quoting sister?" he asked.

" You don't know how she gets on my nerves, not my job to tell you anything though." I grumbled.

" I think you are talking about the crush she has on me." He said looking at me. I whipped my head so fast at him that I was afraid I would break my neck.

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