Chapter 4: The promises of love in Drama

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It was cold that morning and I snuggled in my bed for warmth. I remembered of being grounded and suspension which made my head hurt. I could hear Cecily running around the house screaming and squealing to go to daycare. Dad’s making her dress, I guess.  I got up and went to refresh myself. I wasn’t a morning person so I always needed a coffee to start a day. Today was Saturday, so it would be like a holiday. I yawned and made some coffee in the kitchen. Dad was ready to take her to Daycare  and for the job hunt.

“ I will come back soon. You stay put. Got it? Remember, You are grounded.” He said and was out with Cecily. I sighed. It was going to be boring as hell.

My phone rang. It didn’t take an Einstein to figure out who it was.

“ Do you ever sleep?” I snarled as I walked to my room. He laughed.

“ My flight just landed you know. I am coming back, baby.” He said.

“ I am not your baby. I am  not gay, if you are trying to make me one, then you are wrong, Dumbass.” I said as I opened up my computer.

“ Its not a thing you chose you know.” He said. I rolled my eyes.

“ Just leave me alone. Go play football or something.”I grumbled.

“ Not gonna happen.” He said.

“ Why are you so stubborn?? Are you out of girlfriends?? Huh? No one hitting on ya, so changing teams? Its that right?” I said , most of them I asked.

“Stubborness runs in the family, not my fault. Girls.... ummm let just say I switched the team when I saw you down the hallway looking at the poster. Looking all sexy and cute. Making me ravish you right there. On the floor. You. Naked. Ooooh!!! You are making me hard, you know.” He said in his husky  turned on voice. I had turned all red when he finished. How the hell can he say that out loud in front of his team mates???

“ Shut up, you crazy Bastard. I am not gay.” I shouted back. He laughed. I don’t know why he takes me so lightly.

“ I want to meet you.” He said. I sighed.

“ I can’t. I am grounded.” I said more like grumbled.

“ Then give me your address.” He said.

“ Hell no! You are not coming to my house. I had had enough of you in the school. You harass me way too much.” I snapped.

“ I don’t harass you. I am just being affectionate. You don’t see it, not my fault.” He said making me roll my eyes.  How many times have I rolled my eyes??

“ Forget it. I am not giving you my address.” I muttered.

“ Well, being a teacher makes thing easy, you know.” He said and I knew he had an evil grin on his face. I narrowed my eyes and snarled, “ Damian Steel, You fucker, I am going to kill you if you ever show yourself on my doorstep-.” The call disconnected. Bloody-....

I threw my phone on the bed and listened to some new music. I sighed. Damian was being serious with this whole liking thing. And making me confused and ........doubtful on myself. I was kind of interested and curious with this whole thing. Two weeks and he made my life an annoying drama I never wished for. And he is not making this easier. I put my head down to go to sleep but Damian’s words did not let me sleep. It’s been a while since I saw him and talking on the phone wasn’t making it easier. If I ever turned gay will dad accep-

WOAH! Wait a minute!! Ethan, get a grip on yourself you idiot!!! Just because he said two or three pretty little words doesn’t mean he is gay. He is obviously playing with you and you are letting him play with you like this. He is a star and yet he is flirting with you, a student. A delinquent.  I groaned as I dully slammed my head on the desk. Because of him I am talking to myself like a freaking idiot. I am not gay. Though I never had a girlfriend I am not gay.  That freaking moron is playing with my mind.  My phone rang and I picked it up.

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