Chapter 1- The beginning of the drama

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I think so it began during my senior year in high school. I wasn’t that sort of kid who hated the world for being cruel or with any suicidal tendency. I just wanted the world to be MY way. If not, well....Lets just say that person never came back again. I was not a bully. Just a sleeping dragon whom you should poke. I had no friends, the ones I had, I drove them away. I know, kinda harsh right? NOT!!

Kidding! Any ways, lets just say I was an outcast in my high school and it didn’t bother me much as I was all ‘ touch me not or I will cut your dick off’ plant. ( FYI, there is no such plant like that so do not search it on Google or any other website). And people did not come my way which I loved it. Except for Matthew Sanders.

The Matthew Sanders.

The bully of the high school.

The guy who challenged me after class.

The guy on whose head I smashed a Vodka bottle. (which was on the floor, I swear)


So there you see, I had a lot of drama in my life which nearly ruined my well functioning brain. I am not those beefy arms type. I am scarce of muscles. Don’t ask me how I got the power to fight but my Dad said it must have been from my mom who died few years ago. Getting drunk all her life.


She died of cancer. Leukemia.


My dad said that my mom was a tomboy. She was all ‘ All hail the Devil’ kinda gal. Which is what caught my dad’s eye. Now don’t ask me my parents love story. Its there business, not mine.

I was no coward. I don’t whimper and cry inside the bathroom stalls. Those days are over and also those are the things that girls do.( when they are PMSing or something).

So my story begins from the day I smashed a glass bottle on Matthews head and kicked him on his sides and screamed, “ How was that, Fucker??”

He groaned and rolled on the floor while I ran towards my home trying to cool my mind. Stupid Assholes. Can’t even let a fucking senior year go with a smooth flow. I sighed as I noticed the black clouds surrounding the neighbourhood. When I reached home, Dad was making Pasta again. Uggh!!! And my sister Cecily was drawing something which looked like disfigured aliens. But whom am I to judge, the kid is only 3. I ruffled her hair knowing it annoys her like shit and ran upstairs.

“ETHAAAAAANNN!!” she screamed. I chuckled. After having a nice bath, I ran downstairs to have the dinner. Dad hurried here and there to arrange the table while I stared at him scuttling around like he was the only interesting thing inside the home. Which wasn’t true.

“ Hands off the table, Ethan.” He scolded me as he gave an ice pack. I gave him a questioning look and he pointing at my black eye. Fucking Matthew Sanders. I held it on my eye as I poked my fork in the pasta( which took my apeitite). My dad gave me an annoying look that said ‘Don’t you dare leave your food and go.’ I held the ice pack tightly on my eye and munched on the same pasta I had yesterday and again day after yesterday. Cecily was not complaining so that meant she loved his food. I don’t know why??

“ So what was the occasion this time?” he asked with his ‘oh-so’ sarcastic tone. I glared at him but did not answer. Cecily giggled for no reason and continued eating her pasta.

“ Matthew.” I grumbled and pushed my plate away. He sighed and put down his fork and looked at me.

“ So this time its not your fault.” He kind of verified. I shook my head as I stared  at my uneaten pasta. “ He challenged me.” I answered.

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