Ellis X Reader (The Passing: Part 2)

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Ellis stared at the car and sighed.

You crossed your arms, "yah done sulking over a car, cowpoke?" You giggled slightly, "The car'll be here when we get back" You pat him on the back and smiled.

He looked back at you and thought for a second, Than looked up at Zoey on top of the bridge "You'll keep a good eye on her, right?"

She giggled "Sure"

You grabbed Ellis's hat and put it on backwards, "Jesus- this things huge on me- how fat is your head??"

Nick chuckled to himself

Ellis rolled his eyes at Nick and he grabbed the folds from the back of the cap and re-buttoned them so the hat was more snug on your head, "I don't have a fat head, You just don't know how to work a hat" He smiled, he was too scared to admit it, but he knew for sure that he thought you looked adorable in his hat.

You giggled softly "Did I ever tell you guys about the time my buddy Ellis cried over a car that we'll see in like an hour or two?"

He smirked and the rolled his eyes, They get to finish their story about me but I don't get to finish my story about Keith?" He shook his head and laughed.

You smiled and pat him on the shoulder.


As you made your way through the rundown town full of zombies, Ellis couldn't help but look over at you every now and then, it was like  you were his own mini him. He loved every second of it.

As you bashed the back of your axe into the skull of a zombie, you looked over at Ellis, "You ever gonna teach me to shoot!?" You said while hitting zombies left and right, yelling over their growls and scowls.

"Anytime you'd like!" He shot the last zombie   in the head. "Now's good"

You smiled and you walked over to him and smiled.
Ellis handed you his gun, and he stood just behind you, just barely touching your backside with his body, "you're gonna hold your right hand here" He grabbed your hand and fixed it to the position, "And your left..here" He did the same with your left hand. "Have you ever shot a gun before?"

You shook your head, "I-I've never even held a gun." You made a mental note of how your hands should be placed.

"Really? You're holdin this gun like it's nothing-" He smiled softly. "Mmm..try to hit....uhm..there! That bottle" He pointed to an empty bottle sitting on a counter.

You shot and just barely missed, almost losing the gun and your footing but Ellis kept a hold on your hands and he wouldn't allow you to go down

"Mmm.." He looked at your stance, "try placing your feet like this," He pointed to his feet.

You spread your feet to match Ellis's stance and shot again, hitting the bottle and the shards flying everywhere.

"Woo baby!" Ellis Exclaimed and let go of your hands and stepped back. Holding up his hand to you.

You high-fived him with a smile and you cheered along with him.

Rochelle and Coach almost ran in there when they heard you too yelling

"Is everything okay???" Rochelle looked at the two of you

You nodded "sorry-"

"We probably should've been quieter, we could alert zombies.." Ellis rubbed the back of his neck

"I wouldn't be so sure that we didn't.." You pointed to the hoarse of zombies behind Ellis

He turned around and pulled out his pistol, shoving them back and shooting them repeatedly

As you still had Ellis's gun, You shot them, a little sloppily but hey, it killed them, and you'd get better over time.

Once the last zombie was killed, along with a terrifying experience with a tank, Everyone regrouped and started talking while continuing their walk through the town. Ellis looked over at you

You looked back, a bit confused. "Oh-" you handed him his gun. "Sorry," you giggled nervously.

He smiled and took his gun back, "Eh, yur cute so I'll let it slide" He smiled smugly

You stood there, flustered, while the rest of the team walked ahead. You shook your head a little and carried on. Cute???

Coach looked at you, "You alright?" He asked after noticing you lack behind.

You just nodded. "Y-yeah.." You continued walking, this time at a quicker pace to catch up with the group, You were a bit out of it the rest of the day, but you were alert and that's the most you could do in a world like this.


"I can't wait to see that car.." Ellis looked over at you, "You doin alright?"

You quickly looked away, you were looking at him but you didn't want him to know that. He was adorable. You couldn't get over it. You wanted Ellis all to yourself. All you could do was nod.

He looked at your eyes and could pretty much read your mind. He smiled softly. The rest of the group wasn't around so he walked over to you and rubbed your back. "You sure..? Was it cause of what I said earlier?"

You looked away nervously.

He chuckled quietly, "Hey, Don't worry about it, you should focus on the thousands of zombies we have to kill"

Even Ellis agreed with you, you had to get your head in the game. "Thanks Ellis..."

He stepped In front of you and put a finger or two under your chin, lifting up your head slightly. "You got this...I know ya do." He handed you his gun.

You blushed slightly and smiled, You wouldn't have it any other way, yeah it was the zombie apocalypse but you had a nice little group.

Ellis smiled, "Don't let your thoughts get the best of you, that's the devil's handiwork at best.." He rubbed your back and smiled.

You loved him.

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