Totally not another Ellis x reader 🗿

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Ignore how long this took :/ also ignore any mistakes I don't feel like going back and changing anything


You tiredly sat up, picking up your phone hesitantly, "mm..hello?"

"Y/n..! My beeeeeautiful darlin.."

"Ellis? Do you know what time it is?"

"Aw what? Is it your bedtime?" He chuckled.

"...Are you drunk?"


You sighed.

"Okay, maybe but- I'm lonely..I miss ya... a lot."

"Ellis we talked about this... we're done- I can't deal with this anymore.."

"Y/n.. please...I ain't- there's no one else..I need you."

Those words clicked something in you.


"El, mmmmm Ellissss"

"Y/n, are you alright?"

"Can you pick me up, el?"

You could hear him smile, "of course, love.."


"Come on sweetheart." Ellis pulled you up and kept an arm around you.

You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder, "thank youuuuuu"

"Just be happy that you're my favorite person or else I woulda left ya"

You smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you El..."


This is how you fell in love with Ellis, you didn't wanna make the same mistake again, but this was the least you could do. You sighed, "Okay..okay Ellis..stay where you are."


You nodded, "of course.."


"There you are," You grabbed Ellis' hand and pulled him up, "Drunk fool.."

He smiled, "Y/nnnn!" He wrapped his arms around you. "Hiiii.." he laid his head on you.

You hesitantly pulled back a little, "E-Ellis.."

"I missed youuu... a lot." He looked away.

You looked down at him, "come on, I just wanna get you home.."


You opened the door and groaned, "El," you felt memories flooding back when you called him that, "Ellis, please.." You turned on the lights and looked around, it was messy, which wasn't shocking for Ellis but it wasn't his usual messy, you ignored it and figured you would talk about it later, you brought him to his room and sighed, messier than the rest of the rooms, You sat him on the bed and sighed.

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