Zoey X Reader (Crash Course: Part 1)

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Tw: Swearing


The gang stood there in shook
"..Im surprised we lived through that," Zoey huffed

"Hey, mr positive, we just crashed, got anything positive to say about that?" Francis narrowed his eyes towards Louis

"We're walking away from it alive ain't we?" Louis pointed out.

This area had a lot more hunters than they wished but it's nothing they couldn't face.

Zoey looked over at the filled bridge and she looked around.
"Barricade...Big ass gun. Anybody got any ideas?" She smirked and yanked the handle, firing at the filled bridge and quickly hopping up onto the truck bed and grabbing a hold of the heavy gun and shot every zombie in sight. Once they crossed the bridge, they found a sad house and cheered a bit when they got inside.
"We're the best damn team." Bill grumbled, he seemed upset but the group has grown to learn when he was happy, this was one of those times.
Zoey healed herself up and grabbed another health kit and reloading her gun, as the others talked, she happened to catch something, distant gunshots.


Zoey was leading the way and she hopped over the fence into the truck yard, she looked around for anything useful, she found some health kits and some pills, not much.
Louis pointed out the generator, "Hey! We can turn on the generator and turn the lift on," He turned it on, "Get ready guys"
Zoey hopped up on the little roof inside and grabbed a hold of the gun up top. Something had stopped her from shooting, she looked around after hearing screaming and she immediately jumped down and ran to the sound.

You couldn't breathe, The smoker's tongue wrapped around your neck so tight, you felt yourself grow weaker until you fell to the ground and looked up. A girl in a pink jacket chainsawing the Smoker in half. You coughed because of the smoke around you and you picked yourself up. "Thank you.." You handed her a bottle of pills. "The best repayment I can give you right now-" you smiled.

Zoey smiled slightly, "hey, thanks!" She looked at the bottle with a smile. "Are you out here by yourself?"

You nodded and wiped the sweat off your forehead with your forearm, "yeah, I usually can.. take care.. of.. myself!" You said, swinging an axe at all the zombies close by.

She smiled softly, "Well, with all the zombies that pounce at you, I don't think you should   be alone in this." She smiled, "you should come meet my group"

You sat there for a second and nervously nodded, "sure"

She smiled softly and walked over to everyone, "Everyone, this is-" she turned to you "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name"

"Y/n" you smiled nervously

Zoey smiled to everyone, no one responded, they just continued doing what they were doing

You sighed a little, looking down "Look," You looked up at Zoey, "I know you're tryna be nice, but really, I can do this on my own..."

Zoey shook her head, "no no no,  really it's fine, they might not care but, one person caring is better than none"

You smiled slightly. Having someone watch your back would be nice.

She smiled back your way and caught up to the rest of the crew.

"Are they staying with us, Zoey?" Bill whispered

She shrugged, "hopefully" she smiled

"What are you talking about? 'Hopefully' my ass! That's just dead weight?" Francis whisper-yelled to Zoey.

Zoey elbowed him, "We offer help to people who need it. I'm not the bad person here." She glared at him

He crossed his arms, "fucking helicopter crash.."

You looked down, hearing them talking hurt a little, people you didn't even know talking shit hurt.

"Jesus, you guys are assholes..." Zoey stood there for a second, she turned back at you and saw your head down, she slowed down to your pace, "Don't listen to them, they're dicks, trust me, I would know"

You looked up at her, "thank you," but you couldn't help but sigh, "I-I dunno if being with a group is right for me.. especially one that doesn't like me.."

She smiled and pat your back for a second, "It'll be fine, trust me."

You sighed and looked down


You looked around at the area, "shit the generator!" The generator had shut off and someone had to turn it back on again, It looked like it was gonna be you. You sighed and jumped down off the roof, running to the generator, "shit shit shit..." you just wanted to go home, even when it wasn't possible. The generator kept stalling, "come on, come on!!" You felt a distant rumble. "Damnit!" You kept trying to start up the generator. The rumbling came closer, you yanked the cord as hard as you could and it started up but you felt yourself get swept of your feet and you got thrown against the wall. You wanted to scream for help but it was useless, who would come? "God!" You cried out. You were pretty much being slammed to death. You saw Francis turn his back after seeing you. He was the only one around. All you could do was cry "PLEASE" you called out to him, you felt like this was the end. Then everything went dark.


You coughed as you sat up and looked around, you were safe.. you looked at yourself, patched up yet bruised. You felt yourself slip in and out of consciousness. "Wh- wha...." You looked around and tried to get up.

You saw someone walk in, "it's okay, you're fine.." They bent over and opened a bottle of pills, "here.."

You held out your hand, looking at the pills. You looked up at them and squinted slightly, you  took a sigh of relief when you saw that pink jacket.

"Zoey..?" You smiled slightly.

"Yeah.." she smiled back softly.

It's was Zoey, the one person who had your back in all of this.

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